Are you really going 'poor and crazy'? These were originally free things, why did they start charging?

Are you really going 'poor and crazy'? These were originally free things, why did they start charging?

Ordinary People: The "New Grass" of CapitalWith the development of the times, the lives of ordinary people have been changed by the development of technology and commerce. However, behind this development, a worrying trend is gradually emerging: ordinary people have become objects of capital exploitation...

Why do high-speed rail seats have ABCDF but not E? I finally understand today

Why do high-speed rail seats have ABCDF but not E? I finally understand today

Have you ever had a small question in your heart when taking the high-speed trainWhy do the seat labels on the carriage have A, B, C, D, F, but skip E?Do you think this design is like an unsolvable mystery hanging in your mind?Not afraid, today we will unveil this small mystery of high-speed rail together!When we sit on high-speed rail seats, we may rarely realize the design philosophy behind each seat.So, what is hidden behind this?Seat design, seemingly simple on the surface, is actually a complex project...

Equivalent to 20 Three Gorges Dams! The United Nations personally certified that China has quietly done a great thing in the desert

Equivalent to 20 Three Gorges Dams! The United Nations personally certified that China has quietly done a great thing in the desert

Desert is one of the most difficult terrains for humans to conquer. It occupies a quarter of the Earth's land area, but can only support less than 1% of the population...

Apple plans to invest $1 billion annually in generative AI applications

Apple plans to invest $1 billion annually in generative AI applications

On October 24th, according to foreign media reports, Apple has created its own large-scale language model Ajax and launched a chat robot called "AppleGPT" within the company.Specifically, the company's senior vice presidents responsible for AI and software engineering, John Jennandria, Craig Federidge, and Apple Service Director Eddie Kuyt, are responsible for and involved in this work, and plan to invest approximately $1 billion annually in generative AI applications...

Recommend 3 AI writing tools, which can be used domestically without spending money. Write a popular article in 5 minutes!

Recommend 3 AI writing tools, which can be used domestically without spending money. Write a popular article in 5 minutes!

Many new self media players often complain in their operations: they are outputting content every day and don't know what to write/shoot for a long time? If you also have such troubles, then don't miss out on the three domestic AI writing tools recommended for you today. You can write articles and video scripts in 5 minutes!1...

Lettuce, scallions, and cherry tomatoes are growing well. The

Lettuce, scallions, and cherry tomatoes are growing well. The "Space Garden" has been upgraded and can be planted in rotation

CCTV News: As the manned mission of Shenzhou 17 approaches, the crew of Shenzhou 16 astronauts who are holding their positions on the Chinese space station are also about to complete their flight mission. The return is imminent, and the three astronauts continue to complete their tasks with high quality and quantity as planned, and actively engage in physical exercise to prepare for their return to Earth...

Russia, Saudi Arabia and other countries are rushing to purchase Mate60 from China: official response finally

Russia, Saudi Arabia and other countries are rushing to purchase Mate60 from China: official response finally

Before reading this article, please click on "Follow" to facilitate your discussion and sharing, as well as bring you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support...

The scene was stunning! The secret of the

The scene was stunning! The secret of the "Water Army" in the live broadcast room is that these 26000 phones are automatically swiping

In a very short period of timeLive streaming has become a part of the e-commerce industryAn undeniable partHave you been in the live streaming room with goodsDid you place an order and grab the goods in seconds?You know what's behind the popularity boomAre they all real data?Let's take a look at two pictures firstIn a rudimentary roomA large number of mobile phones are currentlyAct as a "water army" automatic screen swipingrecentlySuzhou Dangshan Police Dispatch Skilled Police ForceSuccessfully eliminated those who provided false popularity for the live broadcast roomThe "Cyber Water Army" criminal gang13Capture suspect24Capital flow involved in the caseOver 9 million yuanAfter legal investigationSince 2022Suspect: Mr. Cheng, Mr...

College students can also develop big projects! Jiaotong University Shipbuilding College Science and Technology Innovation Market Student Science and Technology Innovation Small Model Exploring the Future of Science and Technology

College students can also develop big projects! Jiaotong University Shipbuilding College Science and Technology Innovation Market Student Science and Technology Innovation Small Model Exploring the Future of Science and Technology

Folding boats that can be folded into pockets, robots that mine on demand at 6000 meters of the seabed, and surface unmanned boats that rely entirely on ocean wave energy....

The pillar of Taobao Tmall is surpassed by Tiktok

The pillar of Taobao Tmall is surpassed by Tiktok

This original article originates from WeChat official account: DT Business Watch, ID: DTcaijing, text: Zhang Chenyang Data: Zhang Chenyang, editor: Tang Yeqin Design: Zheng Shuya, operation: Su Hongrui Supervised by: Tang Yeqin.In 2019, in the Taobao live streaming room, Li Jiaqi helped internet celebrity Zhang Dayi sell 10000 bottles of facial cleansers in just 10 minutes...

Former SpaceX executive: Immigration to Mars is just a

Former SpaceX executive: Immigration to Mars is just a "small goal" for Musk | Symbiosis Era Science Fiction Future

Cover News Reporter Bian Xue Intern Reporter Ma XiaoyuThis is a day that aviation enthusiasts will never forget.On April 20th Central Time, SpaceX's starship was launched into space but did not separate from the first stage rocket booster three minutes after liftoff as originally planned, and exploded and disintegrated in the air about four minutes later...

The 9th electric vehicle Orion D is unveiled, equipped with a 12 inch motor and alloy frame, supporting 1.5 hour fast charging

The 9th electric vehicle Orion D is unveiled, equipped with a 12 inch motor and alloy frame, supporting 1.5 hour fast charging

Before reading, first click on the word "Follow" above. Thank you for your support, and we will bring you more valuable contentAt present, the electric vehicle market is mainly divided into two camps: traditional electric vehicle brands led by Yadi, Emma, and Tailing, and internet electric vehicle brands led by No...