According to the news, thousands of people are queuing up for the implantation of

According to the news, thousands of people are queuing up for the implantation of "brain computer chips" in Musk Neuralink, and the number of surgeries will exceed 22000 by 2030

On Tuesday local time in the United States, biographer Ashlee Vance revealed in an article that thousands of people were queuing up to receive brain implants from Neurolink, a brain computer interface company owned by Elon Musk.It is reported that Neuralink underwent 155 surgeries on sheep, pigs, and monkeys in 2021, and 294 surgeries last year...

Musk Reveals Heavy Information! The brain computer interface company under its umbrella is developing a visual chip

Musk Reveals Heavy Information! The brain computer interface company under its umbrella is developing a visual chip

Edited by: Du YuDid Musk make a big move again? This time it is aimed at visually impaired groups.On Tuesday, renowned Australian technology media expert Marcus House posted on social media platform "X" that his 14-year-old son Alex suffers from CRB1 retinal dystrophy, a rare eye condition...

Re prove that the language model is the world model! LLM can distinguish between truth and lies, and can also be brainwashed by humans

Re prove that the language model is the world model! LLM can distinguish between truth and lies, and can also be brainwashed by humans


Extracting Energy from Sewage, Capturing and Storing Carbon Dioxide - Emerging Low Carbon Technology

Extracting Energy from Sewage, Capturing and Storing Carbon Dioxide - Emerging Low Carbon Technology "Brainstorming"

(On site at the forum. Photographed by Xu Xing)Hunan Daily All Media Reporter Xie ZhuofangOn October 20th, the parallel forum of the 2023 Asia Pacific Green and Low Carbon Development Summit "Emerging Climate Change Mitigation Technologies (Energy Sector)" was held in Changsha...

The release of the

The release of the "Wentian I" class brain computer has achieved a scale of over 500 million neurons and 250 billion synaptic intelligence

On October 17th, the largest brain computer in China, the "Wentian I" class brain computer, was released in Nanjing. It has achieved a scale of over 500 million neurons and 250 billion synaptic intelligence, ranking first in China and at the same level internationally...

Scientists Draw the Most Complete Map of Human Brain Cells to Date

Scientists Draw the Most Complete Map of Human Brain Cells to Date

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 13 (Xinhua) -21 papers published in the new issue of Science, Scientific Progress, and Science Translational Medicine in the United States have published and explained the most comprehensive human brain cell atlas to date. This series of studies involving scientists from multiple countries has revealed the characteristics of over 3000 types of brain cells, which will help deepen the understanding of the uniqueness of the human brain and advance research on brain diseases and cognitive abilities...

Attack the

Attack the "Little Giant" | Visual Bits: Give the production line a pair of "smart eyes" and install a "smart brain"

Editor's note:There is a group of enterprises, small in size, but ambitious, possessing unique skills, and wandering the world alone, known as the "little giants". In Changsha, the "little giants" are like stars and moons, deeply cultivating their respective fields and running dark horses in the industry, becoming a dazzling light in the high-quality development of the city's industrial economy...

Einstein's Brain has sold nearly 100000 yuan! The store replied that it was on

Einstein's Brain has sold nearly 100000 yuan! The store replied that it was on

Recently, multiple bloggers have reportedThere are merchants selling on online shopping platformsEinstein's BrainThe sales volume is quite impressive, causing hot discussionsScreenshot of online shopping platform pageDiscovered by logging into multiple online shopping platformsEinstein's BrainPrices range from 0.1 yuan to 5 yuanThe seller claims that 'payment will automatically grow to the brain'"IQ+1" "Can send gifts to family and friends", etcEinstein's Brain4The media noticed that on a certain online shopping platformEinstein's BrainThe sales volume unexpectedly exceeded 40000 yuan;Some other stores also have multiple stores with sales exceeding thousandsIntegrating various online shopping platforms, similar productsThe sales volume is close to 100000 yuan...

Serious brain drain? Thirty thousand scientists immigrating? Can't China really retain talent?

Serious brain drain? Thirty thousand scientists immigrating? Can't China really retain talent?

Before reading, could you please click on oneFollow,It not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support!In recent years, the frequent emergence of a type of news has attracted high attention from Chinese people, which is that Chinese researchers choose to immigrate overseas...

The world's

The world's "strongest brain" is coming with a huge impact! Top scientists gather for this academic feast

SHANGHAIOn July 24-26, three Fields Medal winners, six academicians from various countries, and nearly 40 top scientists from China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, Greece, Iran, Hong Kong and other countries and regions will gather in Shanghai to jointly attend the Pujiang Forum on Basic Science Development and publish high-level academic reports.Focusing on the theme of "the current situation and future of basic science", the forum will carry out academic discussions and exchanges around the three basic science fields of mathematics, theoretical physics, theoretical computers and Information science...

Research shows that curly hair is crucial for human brain development

Research shows that curly hair is crucial for human brain development

Reported on Reference News Network on July 5thAccording to the website of Newsweek on June 27th, scientists have found that curly hair may be the key to the development of such a large human brain.A research paper published by researchers at Pennsylvania State University analyzed how human hair texture helps regulate body temperature...

Flying to the sky! The strongest brain medicine, chasing after it?

Flying to the sky! The strongest brain medicine, chasing after it?

Will the concept of brain computer interface go crazy? What are the specific uses of brain computer interfaces? A company is already using it to see if there is any potential for Mad Cow?Elon Musk, the world's richest man and technology superhero, has always been a loyal promoter of brain computer interfaces.Brain computer interface refers to the transmission of information between the human brain and computer systems through electronic devices that connect them...