Hot search first! Is 4 million fans of internet celebrities banned, free to dress or edge off?

Hot search first! Is 4 million fans of internet celebrities banned, free to dress or edge off?

Is it freedom to dress or exposure to the edges?Recently, a certain platformThe internet celebrity account with 4 million followers has been bannedCausing heated discussions among netizensEven topped the hot search list at one pointOn July 11th, according to a short video platform, the platform focused on cracking down on vulgar and pornographic accounts, and 22 high fan accounts were indefinitely banned, including some internet celebrity accounts with over a million fans, such asChen * * Sister "(4.06 million fans)," Chen * * Ni "(3...

Intel Zhang Yu: edge computing plays an important role in the entire AI ecosystem

Intel Zhang Yu: edge computing plays an important role in the entire AI ecosystem

Global Network Technology Reporter Lin Mengxue: Currently, generative AI and large models are showing a high fever worldwide. During the recently passed 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC 2023), various manufacturers have launched a "hundred model war"...

What is the current carrying capacity of 1, 1.5, 2.5, 4, and 6 square meters of wires? How much power can it carry? Knowledge expansion

What is the current carrying capacity of 1, 1.5, 2.5, 4, and 6 square meters of wires? How much power can it carry? Knowledge expansion

Recently, many beginners in electrical engineering have left messages asking: What is the safe current carrying capacity of wires? How much power can commonly used wires carry for electrical appliances? So today we will focus on the safe current carrying capacity of commonly used wires in household circuits!The commonly used wire specifications for home circuits include: 1, 1.5, 2...

Antchain FAIR platform launches Trusted Computing architecture based on Zero-knowledge proof

Antchain FAIR platform launches Trusted Computing architecture based on Zero-knowledge proof

[World Wide Web Technology Report] On July 8, at the 2023WAIC Global Blockchain Industry Summit Forum, Antchain announced that AntChainFAIR, a privacy collaboration platform, would upgrade its new architecture, introduce verifiable computing technology with Zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) as the core, and expand from trusted data flow to the verifiability of computing process, data attributes, and identity. It is understood that this is an important upgrade to the core architecture of the FAIR platform after improving its large-scale computing capabilities last year, and it is also a continuous breakthrough for Ant Chain in the field of Web3 technology...

Is there such a big difference between WeChat blacklisting and deletion? Increased knowledge

Is there such a big difference between WeChat blacklisting and deletion? Increased knowledge

WeChat has always been a frequently used social tool.I don't know if you have this kind of trouble: WeChat friends are getting more and more, and there are also more and more friends with only one horizontal line in their circle of friends...

Mathematics Knowledge graph of TAL Education Group Open Primary School

Mathematics Knowledge graph of TAL Education Group Open Primary School

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On June 16, TAL Education Group revealed that its smart education Open platform officially opened the "primary school math knowledge point label system" for free. This opening is not only for education practitioners, but also for ordinary users such as parents and students...

High precision and cutting-edge achievements appear together, with strong momentum for high-quality development

High precision and cutting-edge achievements appear together, with strong momentum for high-quality development

Reporter Liu Hao from our newspaperGuangxi is accelerating the gathering of innovative resources towards enterprises, and the main position of enterprises in innovation continues to strengthen. In 2022, the implementation measures for incentivizing enterprises to increase investment in research and development funds through financial incentives will be revised, with a subsidy of 162 million yuan arranged...