Interview with Taiwan News | Ecologists Interpreting Why Lake Neiyi, the largest freshwater lake in the UK, Has Been Seriously Polluted

Interview with Taiwan News | Ecologists Interpreting Why Lake Neiyi, the largest freshwater lake in the UK, Has Been Seriously Polluted

Since the beginning of summer this year, the largest freshwater lake in Northern Ireland, Lake Ney, has experienced an unprecedented outbreak of toxic blue-green algae, causing about 40% of the population's drinking water to be contaminated, triggering a local "ecological crisis". What causes lake water pollution? Recently, local ecologists accepted an interview with a reporter from China Central Radio and Television Corporation to analyze the root causes of pollution in Lake Neiyi...

Xiaomi's surging OS wallpaper and camera application leaks: simple lines, visually refreshing

Xiaomi's surging OS wallpaper and camera application leaks: simple lines, visually refreshing

After the announcement of Xiaomi's surging OS, the popularity of the technology industry has been stimulated again. According to mobile China, there are endless revelations about the surging OS on the internet, and even some people have experienced the new system...

Rongsheng Food Festival Hangzhou Tour Will Borderless Refrigerator 605 Explore Urban Fresh Life

Rongsheng Food Festival Hangzhou Tour Will Borderless Refrigerator 605 Explore Urban Fresh Life

Lighten up the quality of life and unleash the beauty of home. Recently, Rongsheng's 40 year old "Exploring the Fresh World" food carnival tour has come to an end in Hangzhou and Zhejiang...

Hundreds of freshwater dolphin corpses have emerged from the Amazon River, suspected to be related to extreme drought and high temperatures

Hundreds of freshwater dolphin corpses have emerged from the Amazon River, suspected to be related to extreme drought and high temperatures

Last week, about 120 floating bodies of freshwater dolphins appeared in a tributary of the Amazon River in Brazil. Experts suspect that the cause of freshwater dolphin death may be related to extreme drought and high temperatures...

Revealing Fresh History through the Social Function of Cultural Relics (Footnote)

Revealing Fresh History through the Social Function of Cultural Relics (Footnote)

Sun Ji, a famous cultural relics expert and senior librarian of the Central Research Institute of Culture and History, recently left us."Learning with one heart makes great achievements", said Huo Hongwei, a researcher from the Archaeology Department of the National Museum of China, and many other scholars...

Didi provides 500 million high-temperature subsidies to drivers to help passengers travel in a cool and refreshing manner

Didi provides 500 million high-temperature subsidies to drivers to help passengers travel in a cool and refreshing manner

On a scorching summer day, with the onset of high temperatures, it is not easy for drivers to take a taxi, and passengers also need to travel in a cool and refreshing manner. After widely listening to the suggestions of drivers and passengers, Didi launched the "Cool Summer" plan...

Fresh e-commerce first stock may be delisted: stock price drops by 99.8%, with 55 full-time employees remaining

Fresh e-commerce first stock may be delisted: stock price drops by 99.8%, with 55 full-time employees remaining

Daily Youxian, known as the "first stock of fresh e-commerce", may be delisted from the US stock market. On June 14th, Beijing time, the stock price of Daily Fresh, which was about to delist on the Nasdaq overnight, suffered another heavy drop, closing down 9...