After fixing the computer and bargaining, the angry boss went crazy. After being haggled, he was so angry that he collapsed. The shop owner said, 'Don't use the internet to rape her!'!

After fixing the computer and bargaining, the angry boss went crazy. After being haggled, he was so angry that he collapsed. The shop owner said, 'Don't use the internet to rape her!'!

Repairing Computers, Bargaining Prices, Angry Boss Follow upThe shopkeeper was so angry that he collapsed after being haggled that he said, 'Everyone, don't use internet violence against women!'!In daily life, people often bargain when buying things, such as cutting a small amount when buying groceries or a few dollars when buying clothes and shoes, all of which can be cut off. But if the bargaining goes too far, the boss won't sell either, after all, the boss is not stupid, who would do a loss making business...

Five ordinary people who have become popular due to the internet, some have bad ways of collecting money, and some have become inspirational queens

Five ordinary people who have become popular due to the internet, some have bad ways of collecting money, and some have become inspirational queens

prefaceIn this colorful era, everyone yearns for a life like a star.There is endless money to spend, or getting the life you want as you please...

4 million fans and internet celebrities have released 'Edge Video' that has been indefinitely banned. Netizens: Great!

4 million fans and internet celebrities have released 'Edge Video' that has been indefinitely banned. Netizens: Great!

Recently, the Tiktok platform "Tiktok Blackboard News" announced that the platform focused on the remediation of vulgar pornographic accounts, and 22 high profile accounts were banned indefinitely. For example, "Chen * * Sister" (4...

That 7-year-old boy, Fan Xiaoqin, who looks like

That 7-year-old boy, Fan Xiaoqin, who looks like "Jack Ma", was packaged as an internet celebrity. How is it now

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Hot search first! Is 4 million fans of internet celebrities banned, free to dress or edge off?

Hot search first! Is 4 million fans of internet celebrities banned, free to dress or edge off?

Is it freedom to dress or exposure to the edges?Recently, a certain platformThe internet celebrity account with 4 million followers has been bannedCausing heated discussions among netizensEven topped the hot search list at one pointOn July 11th, according to a short video platform, the platform focused on cracking down on vulgar and pornographic accounts, and 22 high fan accounts were indefinitely banned, including some internet celebrity accounts with over a million fans, such asChen * * Sister "(4.06 million fans)," Chen * * Ni "(3...

8 years ago, a 7-year-old boy from Jiangxi was made an internet celebrity due to his resemblance to Jack Ma's popularity. What's happening now

8 years ago, a 7-year-old boy from Jiangxi was made an internet celebrity due to his resemblance to Jack Ma's popularity. What's happening now

Text/Editor: skyIn 2015, when Jack Ma was still the richest man in China, he made a sensational incidentIllegitimate childThe incident occurred because there was a 7-year-old boy in rural Jiangxi,He looks exactly like Ma Yun.Even Jack Ma himself was once frightened:I really thought I was looking in the mirrorAlthough it was later confirmed that the two were indeed unrelated,But the little boy became completely angry...

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: From January to May, China's internet business revenue of enterprises above designated size increased by 2.8% year-on-year

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: From January to May, China's internet business revenue of enterprises above designated size increased by 2.8% year-on-year

On July 3rd, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the operation of the Internet and related service industries from January to May 2023.According to data, from January to May, China's Internet and related service enterprise 1 (hereinafter referred to as Internet Enterprise 1) achieved internet business revenue of 531 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2...


Internet "Big Factory": Those who enter cannot access, while those outside want to enter

Large internet companies such as Tencent, Alibaba, and Byte are jokingly referred to as big factories due to their extensive business and scale, just like big factories. Internet giants with high salaries and abundant benefits, gathered in first tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, are high-quality jobs that many young people aspire to, and are even considered as indicators of successful employment...

Be vigilant! These 10 internet projects, some are running away, and some are scamming money when they go online! Please don't fall for it!

Be vigilant! These 10 internet projects, some are running away, and some are scamming money when they go online! Please don't fall for it!

Reminder: Do you know the commonly used code words in pyramid schemes? Words such as "water stirring plan", "dark box operation", "it's raining", "waiting for flowers to bloom", "silent period", etc. are often used by scammers to deceive people...

Xiaomi dispels rumors on the internet that the configuration and price of Xiaomi's cars are untrue

Xiaomi dispels rumors on the internet that the configuration and price of Xiaomi's cars are untrue

On June 26, Wang Hua, the head of Xiaomi PR, responded on his personal microblog that "the above information is conjectured information reported by Personal media in May 2022, and Xiaoai's classmates captured the information. A few days ago, someone asked questions, and Xiaoai directly retrieved the information...

"Nepal and AI welcome the future together" | Seventy five generations of Confucius splashed ink on the scene to wish the World Internet Conference digital civilization Nishan dialogue a complete success

On the morning of June 19, when the delegation visited the Confucius Mansion, Kong Xiangsheng, the grandson of the seventy-five generation of Confucius, splashed ink on the spot and wrote two calligraphy works, "World Internet Conference" and "Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization"."First of all, I wish the World Internet Conference Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization a complete success...

The biggest problem with the Internet~

The biggest problem with the Internet~"Idiot Resonance"

Another person has been killed by cyberbullying.Why are there so many internet abusers now...