OnePlus Mobile X on-site evaluation: hydrogen OS and quick and accurate photography review

OnePlus Mobile X on-site evaluation: hydrogen OS and quick and accurate photography review

Hydrogen OS: Interaction remains small and beautifulFarewell to the previous reliance on the system, OnePlus OS has gained its own recognition in the trend of flat UI, highlighting the small and beautiful life of OnePlus phones, and the overall experience is very lightweight.The main impressive features of the homepage of HydrogenOS are the hydrogen window and striped weather status bar that allow for photo replacement...

Seize the Construction Period, Hainan Commercial Space Launch Site Will Not Stop Work During Holidays

Seize the Construction Period, Hainan Commercial Space Launch Site Will Not Stop Work During Holidays

During the 8-day holiday, there were always people holding onto their posts. In Wenchang, Hainan, the first commercial space launch site under construction in China has never rested and has been accelerating construction...

What is the on-site situation at the final stage of ultra deep water sea survey work? Visit up close together

What is the on-site situation at the final stage of ultra deep water sea survey work? Visit up close together

During this year's National Day, China's deep-sea exploration technicians are conducting a comprehensive exploration of the geological conditions of the 3000 meter deep seabed in China. This is the first exploration mission conducted in China so far using fully self-developed deep-sea survey equipment...


Apple's "Braid" customer service has caused controversy, and the image is still on the official website

Apple company is in trouble!Recently, on the Apple Watch page on the official website, a Specialist expert online helped you select customer service image images one-on-one, which caused dissatisfaction among many netizens. Especially, the character image in the image had a "braid", and many netizens said, "This braid really makes me feel full of maliceImage of Apple's "Braid" customer service...

The site selection of Guangzhou South Station is too biased and controversial: why didn't it move 5 kilometers north or introduce Haizhu District back then?

The site selection of Guangzhou South Station is too biased and controversial: why didn't it move 5 kilometers north or introduce Haizhu District back then?

One view is that many people criticize the site selection of Guangzhou South Station as too biased, but in fact, there were not many large areas in the old urban area and Tianhe for high-speed rail construction at that time. If you insist, it's the area around Guangzhou University City, but in reality, it's also quite biased...

Hello, French multi door refrigerator! Goodbye, opposite the door The refrigerator

Hello, French multi door refrigerator! Goodbye, opposite the door The refrigerator

Andy, a writer/home appliance evaluatorLooking at the development history of the entire household appliance industry, one can find that all technological research and product design are people-oriented. Taking refrigerators as an example, from early two door refrigerators to three door refrigerators with variable temperature zones, and then to opposite door refrigerators,Every iteration not only updates the capacity, but also updates the technologyFor example, from direct cooling to air cooling, from single cycle to double cycle, from no pure taste to pure taste, negative ionsAll of this evolution is based on "humanization"...

OPPOA2Pro Comprehensive Evaluation: Exquisite and More Quality

OPPOA2Pro Comprehensive Evaluation: Exquisite and More Quality

In the current mobile phone market, the target audience for flagship models is very small and not just a must-have for the vast majority of users. Therefore, it is truly improving the quality of mid-range phones and can provide a smooth user experience for consumers...

Professor David Waite of the University of New South Wales visited the Soil Environment Institute of the Provincial Academy of Sciences

Professor David Waite of the University of New South Wales visited the Soil Environment Institute of the Provincial Academy of Sciences

[Source: Guangdong Academy of Sciences Frontline News]Recently, David Waite, a professor from the University of New South Wales, Australia, paid an academic visit to the Institute of Ecological Environment and Soil Research of Guangdong Academy of Sciences, where he held discussions and exchanges on strengthening scientific cooperation in the field of soil iron cycle and soil organic Biological carbon fixation. The symposium was chaired by Liu Tongxu, Deputy Director of the Institute, and Li Fangbai, Director of the Institute, attended the meeting...

Why did the Hangzhou incident spread overseas? What did the official website of the United Nations and overseas netizens say?

Why did the Hangzhou incident spread overseas? What did the official website of the United Nations and overseas netizens say?

Chao News Zhang Yu and Liu QiaoyanRecently, a trendy news interview video was released on the overseas official website of UNESCO, with the seven big characters "Hangzhou will be remembered by the world" prominently displayed on the cover.This report is based on the "Chao News Exclusive Dialogue with UN Agency Representatives: Why is this International Conference in Hangzhou?" posted on the Chao News client on June 16th...

Evaluation method of anti-corrosion performance of Graphene Polyaniline nanocomposites

Evaluation method of anti-corrosion performance of Graphene Polyaniline nanocomposites

Before you start reading this article, we sincerely request that you click on the "Follow" button below. In this way, you can not only easily participate in discussions and sharing, but also gain more interactive experiences...

Why can't the country completely shut down all pornographic websites? Is it due to nature or driven by interests?

Why can't the country completely shut down all pornographic websites? Is it due to nature or driven by interests?

Don't get lost with a little bit of 'follow', more exciting stories that you can receive as soon as possibleThe rapid development of the internet has provided us with more channels for information acquisition and accelerated our information exchange speed, but the internet is a double-edged sword because the world of the internet is diverse and there is no independent filtering function for information itself,Therefore, the internet can not only provide us with effective and valuable information, but also serve as a channel for the dissemination of harmful information.For example, the highly harmful yellow website is the best example...

Design method for making polymer composite materials from waste materials such as olive residue

Design method for making polymer composite materials from waste materials such as olive residue

prefaceApplying industrial waste to polymer composite materials can reduce the demand for petroleum based plastics and the energy used in raw material processing. In addition, by optimizing the interfacial adhesion between the matrix and additives, the mechanical properties of composite materials can also be improved, and additional functions can be introduced based on the structure and properties of solid waste...