Why are large domestic supermarkets closing down one after another, and Sam's Supermarket, which only pays to enter, is opening more and more?

Why are large domestic supermarkets closing down one after another, and Sam's Supermarket, which only pays to enter, is opening more and more?

Large domestic supermarkets are closing down one after another, but why is Sam's supermarket, which pays to consume, opening more and more? Why is Pangdonglai deeply loved by people, but still unable to leave Henan?According to statistics, in 2022, at least 1138 stores of domestic supermarkets will be closed, and Gome Retail, Lianhua, Red Flag Chain, Carrefour, Wal Mart will not be spared. Once a large supermarket was cheap, with a wide range of products, all goods can be seen and touched, and you can buy all daily necessities once, which is very popular...

Reduce the price! Reduce the price! Offline Supermarket Price War Begins

Reduce the price! Reduce the price! Offline Supermarket Price War Begins

E-commerce is not only competing for prices, but the "war" of low prices has now spread to offline supermarkets.Recently, Yonghui Supermarket announced that it will establish a "genuine discount store" in its stores nationwide, and simultaneously add a discount zone for online apps/mini programs to provide surprise discount prices for food and supplies...

Ningbo Famous Supermarket Announces Store Closure! Netizens regret that they won't be able to sustain themselves in just 8 years

Ningbo Famous Supermarket Announces Store Closure! Netizens regret that they won't be able to sustain themselves in just 8 years

Recently, some netizens revealed that Wumart's Beilun Intime store is about to close!According to the closed store announcement, the supermarket will stop operating externally on the evening of October 20th. Currently, the products in the store are also being cleared for sale, making it the second supermarket in Beilun to close its store...

Force Carrefour away and scare Wal Mart away! This Chinese supermarket's service is completely abusive to Japanese people, super impressive

Force Carrefour away and scare Wal Mart away! This Chinese supermarket's service is completely abusive to Japanese people, super impressive

Article | Puff on the Third FloorEditor | Puff on the Third FloorWhen it comes to which supermarket provides the best service, there is only one answer to everyone's psychology across the country, which is Fat Donglai from Henan.Just relying on the pictures of the crowds in the mall, one can see his popularity,In order to avoid causing casualties, Pangdonglai even arranged for police comrades to maintain order when it opened its business...

JD Supermarket Launches Weihai Sea Cucumber Special Session with a Lowest Price of 9.9 yuan

JD Supermarket Launches Weihai Sea Cucumber Special Session with a Lowest Price of 9.9 yuan

On September 18th, the autumn fishing season for sea cucumbers in Weihai began, with over 300 divers successively going into the sea to catch sea cucumbers. At the opening ceremony, the person in charge of the Weihai Sea Cucumber Industry Association stated that it is expected that Weihai Sea Cucumber will achieve a high yield during this autumn harvesting season...