Why do air conditioning merchants always say: laymen buy frequency converters, while laymen buy fixed frequencies? There is a significant difference between the two

Why do air conditioning merchants always say: laymen buy frequency converters, while laymen buy fixed frequencies? There is a significant difference between the two

Why do air conditioning merchants always say: laymen buy frequency converters, while laymen buy fixed frequencies? There is a significant difference between the twoWhen purchasing air conditioning, one often hears the following sentence:Non professionals buy frequency converters, while professionals buy fixed frequenciesSo, what are variable frequency air conditioners and fixed frequency air conditioners, and what are the differences between them?This article will provide a detailed explanation to help everyone better choose the right air conditioner for themselves.1...

159 yuan to buy a 0.3 yuan holly sapling? Be careful! There are loopholes in the payment collected by express delivery agents

159 yuan to buy a 0.3 yuan holly sapling? Be careful! There are loopholes in the payment collected by express delivery agents

On July 3rd, China News Agency (Xinhua) (Reporter Wu Tao) "You have an important express delivery and collect payment of 159 yuan." Will you make payment in this situation? With the popularity of e-commerce, many consumers cannot remember which express delivery services they have due to buying too many things, and if they are not careful, they may be "pitted" by collecting payment on behalf of others...

On the morning of June 30th, just now, there were four good news and new breakthroughs in Chinese technology

On the morning of June 30th, just now, there were four good news and new breakthroughs in Chinese technology

If you like it, you can click on the word "Follow" above. Let's pay attention to the development of Chinese technology together!Upon waking up, brushing my phone, and seeing four new breakthroughs in China's technology field, I am truly refreshed and excited!First: It took 3 years! China's first digital twin intelligent scientific research experimental ship "Dolphin 1" sets sail for the first timeAccording to CCTV News, China's first digital twin intelligent research test ship "Dolphin 1" was delivered and made its maiden voyage at Yantai Penglai Port today, sailing from Penglai to Qingdao...

VIA: There is no road in life that goes for nothing

VIA: There is no road in life that goes for nothing

Live e-commerce, as Weiya's favorite career, once compared e-commerce anchors to building a bridge that connects merchants and fans on both sides. The bridge cannot be broken, and she cannot stop spinning...

Is there such a big difference between WeChat blacklisting and deletion? Increased knowledge

Is there such a big difference between WeChat blacklisting and deletion? Increased knowledge

WeChat has always been a frequently used social tool.I don't know if you have this kind of trouble: WeChat friends are getting more and more, and there are also more and more friends with only one horizontal line in their circle of friends...

Why are there more and more

Why are there more and more "nail households" with a phone that has been in use for 7 years?

In the field of Consumer electronics, there has always been a saying - "Buy new, don't buy old."...

Is there a ghost in my heart? US giants accelerate their withdrawal, foreign media: a chain reaction of the Meiguang incident has emerged

Is there a ghost in my heart? US giants accelerate their withdrawal, foreign media: a chain reaction of the Meiguang incident has emerged

Jay Chou - sunny day_ 20231917136. mp34:29From the Science and Technology New Knowledge MuseumThis article is original, please do not plagiarize or move, violators will be held accountableIn order to do business in China, American chip companies took great pains to launch special A800 and H800 chips to fill the order of high-end GPU chips that cannot be shipped...

China Telecom responded that there is no signal in the Guangdong region: business abnormality, urgent processing in progress

China Telecom responded that there is no signal in the Guangdong region: business abnormality, urgent processing in progress

On the afternoon of June 8th, many Guangdong Telecom users reported that their mobile phones had no signal and could not make calls to each other. In response to this, @ China Telecom Guangdong Customer Service stated in the Weibo comment section that due to business abnormalities, you are unable to receive voice and text messages...

Reversed? 11%, 12%, 24%, NVIDIA Huang Renxun: There is no other China!

Reversed? 11%, 12%, 24%, NVIDIA Huang Renxun: There is no other China!

Introduction:The semiconductor industry is one of the most advanced industries in the world today, involving a wide range of fields, such as computers, communication, military, medical, and so on. In the "Made in China 2025" development strategy, the semiconductor industry is regarded as a very important pillar industry...

There is only an empty box left on the online shopping phone, and JD Express replied that he was very helpless

There is only an empty box left on the online shopping phone, and JD Express replied that he was very helpless

On December 31st last year, Xiaoxuan from Shaoxing bought a Xiaomi phone on JD.com...