Alibaba Cloud Intelligent CTO Zhou Jingren: MaaS has become an industry standard, and future applications will be developed around models

Alibaba Cloud Intelligent CTO Zhou Jingren: MaaS has become an industry standard, and future applications will be developed around models

On May 28th, the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum on the Development of Artificial Intelligence Big Models was held in Beijing. Zhou Jingren, CTO of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group, delivered a keynote speech titled "MaaS, A New Paradigm of AI in the Cloud Intelligence Era"...

Astronaut Zhu Yangzhu, born after the 16th and 85th year of the Shenzhou era: In his doctoral thesis, he humbled himself by saying

Astronaut Zhu Yangzhu, born after the 16th and 85th year of the Shenzhou era: In his doctoral thesis, he humbled himself by saying "no material can fill the sky" and finally pursued the wind and went into space

Jimu News Reporter Zhang QiDo we actually have astronauts in Peixian? They're so amazingAstronaut Zhu Yangzhu's hometown, Peixian County, Jiangsu Province, is located on the banks of Weishan Lake. Before the news of Zhu Yangzhu entering space as a Shenzhou 16 astronaut was released, one million people in Peixian County did not know that a space hero had emerged from their hometown...

The official announcement of Huawei, Meng Wanzhou: This expenditure will be 3.41 trillion dollars in 2026!

The official announcement of Huawei, Meng Wanzhou: This expenditure will be 3.41 trillion dollars in 2026!

In the eyes of some countries, there is almost no good fruit to fight against the United States, and the United States is prone to implementing various sanctions to limit your development. The United States is accustomed to being flattered by other countries, and few companies dare to confront the United States...