In 1971, the Soviet spacecraft returned to Earth and the hatch was opened, only to find that three astronauts had died

In 1971, the Soviet spacecraft returned to Earth and the hatch was opened, only to find that three astronauts had died

Before reading this article, could you please click on the red oneFollowThe button not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support!Text | Blue Hat DuckEdit | Blue Hat DuckOn June 30, 1971, it was a very special day for the Soviet people, even for billions of compatriots around the world...

Didi provides 500 million high-temperature subsidies to drivers to help passengers travel in a cool and refreshing manner

Didi provides 500 million high-temperature subsidies to drivers to help passengers travel in a cool and refreshing manner

On a scorching summer day, with the onset of high temperatures, it is not easy for drivers to take a taxi, and passengers also need to travel in a cool and refreshing manner. After widely listening to the suggestions of drivers and passengers, Didi launched the "Cool Summer" plan...

Early limited time diet can improve metabolic health

Early limited time diet can improve metabolic health

Science and Technology Daily (reporter Zhang Jiaxin) On June 15 local time, at the 2023 annual meeting of the American Endocrine Society held in Chicago, the Langney Health Center of New York University released a study that showed that as a form of intermittent fasting, early time limited diet (eTRF) can improve the fluctuation of blood glucose levels and reduce the time when blood glucose is higher than normal. For the first time, research has determined that these improvements are not related to weight loss, meaning that even without weight loss, this eating strategy can help improve metabolic health...

Foreign media: Germany may refuse to increase subsidies for Intel's factory construction

Foreign media: Germany may refuse to increase subsidies for Intel's factory construction

On June 12th, according to foreign media reports, German Finance Minister Christian Lindner recently stated that the budget cannot provide more funds to meet Intel's requirements. We are currently working to integrate the budget, rather than expanding it, "he said...

Bad news is coming! What's even more embarrassing than canceling subsidies is that many people are starting to give up electric vehicles?

Bad news is coming! What's even more embarrassing than canceling subsidies is that many people are starting to give up electric vehicles?

Since 2010, in order to promote the carbon neutrality plan, reduce the carbon emissions of fuel vehicles, and improve the enthusiasm of consumers to purchase new energy vehicles, the state has implemented purchase subsidies ranging from 4800 to 12600 yuan for new energy vehicles. At first, the effect was not obvious...

New method causes cancer cells to die from stress

New method causes cancer cells to die from stress

Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, May 25th (Reporter Zhang Jiaxin) - An international research team from Sweden and France has successfully developed a method that can kill invasive brain tumors - glioblastoma. By blocking certain functions in cells with docking molecules, researchers can cause cancer to die from stress...