Effective rectification of issues such as TV dolls' fees

Effective rectification of issues such as TV dolls' fees

Beijing, November 3 (Reporter Niu Mengdi, Correspondent Li Zhoujingzi)The State Administration of Radio and Television, in collaboration with relevant units such as the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Central Radio and Television Administration, and the China Consumer Association, held a summary of the pilot work on controlling the complex charging and operation of TV "dolls" in Beijing on the 3rd, as well as a national promotion work deployment and promotion meeting. The meeting reported on the progress and effectiveness of the complex work of regulating the charging and operation of TV "dolls", and put forward requirements for the next step of national governance work...

The industrial internet has steadily demonstrated its empowering role in enhancing the information and communication industry from

The industrial internet has steadily demonstrated its empowering role in enhancing the information and communication industry from "useful" to "effective"

CCTV News: Manufacturing powerhouse, network powerhouse, and digital China cannot do without the empowerment of the information and communication industry. Since 2023, China's information and communication industry has maintained a stable and rapid growth trend, and its empowerment role has steadily emerged...

Not all home appliances are suitable for online shopping, these 5 types of home appliances are more cost-effective to buy offline

Not all home appliances are suitable for online shopping, these 5 types of home appliances are more cost-effective to buy offline

Back then, online shopping was because it was cheap, but now it's because it's lazy.At that time, the same model of household appliances were sold for 2200 yuan offline and only 2000 yuan online...

Why can new antidepressants be long-lasting and effective? Research Achievements of Zhejiang University Published in

Why can new antidepressants be long-lasting and effective? Research Achievements of Zhejiang University Published in "Nature"

Why can new antidepressants be long-lasting and effective? On October 20th, the reporter learned from Zhejiang University that the team of the university published an article in the top international journal "Nature" on the evening of October 18th, solving this puzzle and providing new ideas for future clinical medication and new drug design.Ketamine trapping in the pore region of NMDA receptors...

Latest International Research: AI Assisted Animal Sound Landscape Can Effectively Monitor Forest Biodiversity Restoration

Latest International Research: AI Assisted Animal Sound Landscape Can Effectively Monitor Forest Biodiversity Restoration

Source: China News NetworkBeijing, October 18 (Reporter Sun Zifa) - A biodiversity research paper published by Springer Nature's academic journal "Nature Communications" suggests that artificial intelligence (AI) assisted animal soundscape can be used as an effective tool for monitoring forest biodiversity restoration after farmland abandonment. This research findings propose an automated, cost-effective, and reliable method for detecting forest biodiversity and evaluating restoration outcomes...

Although Hongmi phones are affordable, these four models are currently the most cost-effective, and even if you close your eyes, you won't lose out

Although Hongmi phones are affordable, these four models are currently the most cost-effective, and even if you close your eyes, you won't lose out

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Joint study of Fudan and WHO: the infection rate of chronic hepatitis B has declined in China in the past 50 years, and vaccination has been proved effective

Joint study of Fudan and WHO: the infection rate of chronic hepatitis B has declined in China in the past 50 years, and vaccination has been proved effective

On October 5, 2023, the Journal of Gastrointestinal Tract (Gut) published online the latest achievement of the Chen Xingdong Research Group of the Human Phenotype Group at Fudan University, titled "Changes in Epidemiological Characteristics of Chronic Hepatitis B Infection in China: A Big Data Analysis and Systematic Text Study of 3740 Studies and 231 million People". This study covered 3740 related studies, analyzed the chronic hepatitis B infection status of 230 million people in 31 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions, Hong Kong and Taiwan in mainland China, and systematically described the epidemiological characteristics of chronic hepatitis B infection in China in the past 50 years...

Dr. Wuhan was awarded the

Dr. Wuhan was awarded the "Top Ten Science Popularization Talents of the Province" and presented the effectiveness of water ecological governance with "a drop of water travel"

Changjiang Daily Wuhan Client September 17th NewsOn September 17th, China welcomed the 20th National Science Popularization Day event. On the 16th, Hubei Association for Science and Technology held the 2023 Hubei Science Popularization Bright Treasure Meeting in the Chinese Academy of Sciences Wuhan Botanical Garden...

Zhang Ning, Yunnan Baiyao: Continuously develop products and solutions that effectively fight against the increase of life entropy

Zhang Ning, Yunnan Baiyao: Continuously develop products and solutions that effectively fight against the increase of life entropy

On July 18th, the "2023 Healthy China Development Conference and Healthy China Construction Achievement Expo" hosted by the Healthy China Research Center was held at the Beijing International Conference Center. Professor Zhang Ning, chief scientist of Yunnan Baiyao Group, was invited to attend the conference and delivered a speech at the corporate action segment of the conference...

Scientists have discovered that increasing efficiency in the food system can effectively support China's carbon neutrality

Scientists have discovered that increasing efficiency in the food system can effectively support China's carbon neutrality

Technology Frontiers Guangming Daily, July 15, Beijing (reporter Jin Haotian)The Dai Hancheng research group and collaborators of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Peking University have recently found that increasing efficiency in the food system can effectively support China's achievement of the 2060 carbon neutrality target. Biomass energy is an important alternative means for China to achieve carbon neutrality, and China needs to combine various measures such as moderately relaxing food trade, increasing crop yield, reducing food waste, and shifting towards a healthy diet to build an efficient food system that is in line with its national conditions...

Just discovered! By pressing this button on WeChat, you can create photos into videos and learn how to use them effectively

Just discovered! By pressing this button on WeChat, you can create photos into videos and learn how to use them effectively

Do you know? By pressing this switch on WeChat, you can directly create photos into videos, as well as add music and text, which is both beautiful and advanced! Hello friends, I am Xiaojun, a blogger who focuses on knowledge sharing. When we play WeChat, do we usually like to post or browse our social media? When we browse our social media, we often find that many people's social media posts have a video style, music, and subtitles, which are very beautiful...

Which phone has the highest cost-effectiveness with a price of around 3000? Top 10 mobile phone rankings for around 3000 yuan

Which phone has the highest cost-effectiveness with a price of around 3000? Top 10 mobile phone rankings for around 3000 yuan

Around 3000 yuan, there are still many mobile phones to choose from. Let me take a look at the ten most popular mobile phones under 3500...