Joint study of Fudan and WHO: the infection rate of chronic hepatitis B has declined in China in the past 50 years, and vaccination has been proved effective

On October 5, 2023, the Journal of Gastrointestinal Tract (Gut) published online the latest achievement of the Chen Xingdong Research Group of the Human Phenotype Group at Fudan University, titled "Changes in Epidemiological Characteristics of Chronic Hepatitis B Infection in China: A Big Data Analysis and Systematic Text Study of 3740 Studies and 231 million People". This study covered 3740 related studies, analyzed the chronic hepatitis B infection status of 230 million people in 31 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions, Hong Kong and Taiwan in mainland China, and systematically described the epidemiological characteristics of chronic hepatitis B infection in China in the past 50 years

On October 5, 2023, the Journal of Gastrointestinal Tract (Gut) published online the latest achievement of the Chen Xingdong Research Group of the Human Phenotype Group at Fudan University, titled "Changes in Epidemiological Characteristics of Chronic Hepatitis B Infection in China: A Big Data Analysis and Systematic Text Study of 3740 Studies and 231 million People". This study covered 3740 related studies, analyzed the chronic hepatitis B infection status of 230 million people in 31 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions, Hong Kong and Taiwan in mainland China, and systematically described the epidemiological characteristics of chronic hepatitis B infection in China in the past 50 years.

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Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is the most common cause of liver cancer and one of the major public health problems facing China. In order to solve the problem of chronic hepatitis B, since 1992, the state has started to implement the hepatitis B vaccination policy among newborns, and gradually expanded the coverage of vaccination to 100%.

In order to fully understand the past and current infection characteristics of chronic hepatitis B in China, the research team of Chen Xingdong, together with Dr. Clifford and Dr. DeMartel of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of WHO and Dr. Lin Chunqing of the National Cancer Center/Cancer Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, systematically reported the "three distribution" of chronic HBV infection in China in the past 50 years, using 3740 previously published literature data. The study found that the infection rate of chronic hepatitis B in the general population in China showed a significant downward trend, with the fastest decline rate among children under 5 years of age, but the HBV infection rate among the elderly over 60 years of age showed an upward trend; Men slow down more than women.

Changing trend of chronic hepatitis B infection rate and related prevention policies

The HBV infection rate also exhibits significant heterogeneity among different regions, with higher infection rates in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan, and Tibet (> 5%), while infection rates are generally lower in Northeast and North China (~3%). The study also systematically described the HBV infection among high-risk groups of chronic hepatitis B B, and found that the HBV infection rate among HIV carriers and intravenous drug users was still at a high level (> 10%).

Further research has found that the HBV infection rate in China in 2021 is approximately 3.0% (of which the infection rate in children under 5 years old is approximately 0.3%). Although the rate of HBV infection continues to decline, with the deepening of aging in China, chronic hepatitis B B related liver cancer will still be an important problem for China in the next 30 years. Chen Xingdong's research team has previously found that the incidence rate of HBV related liver cancer in the elderly population will continue to rise before 2030.

In 2015, the World Health Organization announced an ambitious plan - "Eliminate Hepatitis 2030". The plan sets the goal of reducing hepatitis B infection rate by 90% and related mortality rate by 65% by 2030 based on 2015. China has played a decisive role in this global mission.

According to the data of this study, China has made remarkable achievements in the prevention and control of chronic hepatitis B. However, we still have a long way to go to achieve the goals set by the World Health Organization, and HBV remains a major public health challenge in our country. While maintaining the vaccination rate of hepatitis B, efforts should be made to improve the diagnostic level and treatment prevalence of HBV in the future, so as to more effectively reduce the incidence rate and disease burden of HBV infection related complications. This study provides the latest epidemiological data of chronic hepatitis B infection in China, proves the effectiveness of strategies such as hepatitis B vaccination, but also points out the new challenges of chronic hepatitis B infection in China.

Source: Pengpai News

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