Wuhan's new generation weather radar will be completed within the year

Wuhan's new generation weather radar will be completed within the year

Replay suspend 00:05 / 00:56 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos On July 21st, overlooking the double spiral shaped tower of the Wuhan New Generation Weather Radar Project, which has basically completed its exterior facade, a huge spherical antenna dome stands at the top of the 90 meter high tower.The project is located at the second peak of Bafen Mountain in Jiangxia District, Wuhan, and is a key project jointly built by the China Meteorological Administration and the People's Government of Hubei Province...

Japanese media: Chinese researchers are prohibited from entering the Japan Space Agency's research institute, and space station cooperation is inappropriate

Japanese media: Chinese researchers are prohibited from entering the Japan Space Agency's research institute, and space station cooperation is inappropriate

followRecently, a Japanese space agency ban on Chinese researchers from entering the Japanese space station has sparked heated discussion online, and combined with Japan's recent high-profile "feat" of two failed launches of the H3 spacecraft, this statement is particularly comical.This statement of Japan is undoubtedly a contempt and rejection of the China National Space Administration and Space technology, which vividly reflects the pride and narrowness of the Japanese in their bones, and more importantly, their fear of China's development...

Off screen cameras and mobile phones are not yet popular, what are the difficulties?

Off screen cameras and mobile phones are not yet popular, what are the difficulties?

The emergence of off screen camera technology has brought new hope to the popularization of truly comprehensive screen phones.In September 2020, ZTE Tianji Axon205G mobile phone was released, marking the commercial landing of off screen camera phones...

Colonel Shen Xingyun, the only captain of the PLA Astronauts Brigade who did not become a general

Colonel Shen Xingyun, the only captain of the PLA Astronauts Brigade who did not become a general

At present, the current leader of the PLA Astronauts Brigade is General Jing Haipeng, a native of Yuncheng, Shanxi Province. He joined the army in June 1985 and is 57 years old this year...

Netizens said that the ticket cost nearly 40000 yuan, with only one bottle of Evian mineral water.

Netizens said that the ticket cost nearly 40000 yuan, with only one bottle of Evian mineral water. "The rest of the water will be reserved for those returning," China Southern Airlines responded, "The arrangement on board will prevail

According to the report of "Sohu Qianliyan" quoted by Jiupai News Video, on July 18, a netizen sent a video saying that the ticket price of Business class of China Southern Airlines Guangzhou Direct Flight to Melbourne was nearly 40000 yuan, but one person only had one bottle of mineral water. When he asked the purser for another bottle of mineral water, he was filled with another bottle of water...

Cooperation between Blue Universe and Mystery City in 1933

Cooperation between Blue Universe and Mystery City in 1933

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On July 20, according to the BlueFocus Communication Group WeChat official account, Blue Universe and World Collection Culture and Tourism Group completed the strategic contract at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC2023), and the two sides will cooperate on the marketing of digital people and Metaverse. K, a digital musician under the Blue Universe, has settled in Mitta City...

MAXHUB and TCL Huaxing have reached a deep strategic cooperation

MAXHUB and TCL Huaxing have reached a deep strategic cooperation

From July 1nineth to July twenty-onest, Beijing InfoCommChina2023 opened at the Beijing National Convention Center. At the exhibition, MAXHUB President Li Jianmin and TCL Huaxing Vice President Wang Xiuyi announced the strategic cooperation between the two parties...

Why is Mongolia actively accelerating the construction progress of the China Mongolia Railway, which has been put on hold for many years?

Why is Mongolia actively accelerating the construction progress of the China Mongolia Railway, which has been put on hold for many years?

#Headline Creation Challenge#Before reading this article, we sincerely invite you to click on 'Follow', which not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also allows you to continue reading related articles next time, bringing a different sense of participation. Your careful reading is our greatest motivation...

Analyst: Apple will adopt 3D printing, which will accelerate the rapid development of the industry

Analyst: Apple will adopt 3D printing, which will accelerate the rapid development of the industry

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: On July 18th, analyst Guo Minghui recently released a report stating that Apple is actively deploying the use of 3D printing technology. It is expected that some titanium metal components of the new Apple Watch Ultra will use 3D printing technology in the second half of this year, which will accelerate the rapid development of the 3D industry...

Tencent's e-commerce product

Tencent's e-commerce product "QQ store" has ceased operations

According to official news, Tencent's e-commerce product "QQ Store" ceased operations on July 15th and the platform has closed its new user registration portal.Prior to this, opening the "QQ Small Store" mini program through the QQ mobile terminal resulted in an official notice stating that due to business adjustments, the QQ Small Store mini program will cease operation from July 15, 2023, the group delivery robot function will be offline, QQ Small Store registration and related services such as small store delivery/self purchase will be closed, and the related profits generated from delivery before July 15 will still be settled and distributed as scheduled...

Game Business Overlay with Intelligent Computing Power Concept: Century Huatong Accelerates into a Growth Channel

Game Business Overlay with Intelligent Computing Power Concept: Century Huatong Accelerates into a Growth Channel

Entering July, the A-share market has ushered in the mid reporting season again, with many companies with increasing performance taking the lead in sending out "good news" to the market. As the leader of the gaming industry, Century Huatong has also released a beautiful semi annual pre increase announcement to the public...

Cradle of the New Generation Aircraft! JF-22 Ultra High Speed Wind Tunnel has passed acceptance and can reproduce flight conditions at 30 times sound speed

Cradle of the New Generation Aircraft! JF-22 Ultra High Speed Wind Tunnel has passed acceptance and can reproduce flight conditions at 30 times sound speed

In the development process of various types of aircraft, a large number of simulation flight experiments are required, but it is impossible to actually frequently test fly the aircraft in the sky. Therefore, wind tunnels have emerged, which is equivalent to artificially building a "flying sky" on the ground and is an essential large-scale aerodynamic experimental device for developing aircraft...