Three Key Points for High Quality Development of Manufacturing Industry

Three Key Points for High Quality Development of Manufacturing Industry

Manufacturing is the foundation of a country and the foundation of a strong country. The high-quality development of the manufacturing industry is an important aspect of high-quality economic development...

High precision and cutting-edge achievements appear together, with strong momentum for high-quality development

High precision and cutting-edge achievements appear together, with strong momentum for high-quality development

Reporter Liu Hao from our newspaperGuangxi is accelerating the gathering of innovative resources towards enterprises, and the main position of enterprises in innovation continues to strengthen. In 2022, the implementation measures for incentivizing enterprises to increase investment in research and development funds through financial incentives will be revised, with a subsidy of 162 million yuan arranged...

Boosting high-level innovation with high-quality science popularization (Innovation Talk)

Boosting high-level innovation with high-quality science popularization (Innovation Talk)

In the era of knowledge economy, the innovation level of a country is increasingly dependent on the general improvement of the scientific literacy of the entire population. The level of science popularization in a country is increasingly affecting its creativity and soft powerDuring the 2023 National Science and Technology Week, various regions held a series of colorful activities around the theme of "loving science and advocating science", including science train tours, science popularization explanation competitions, and science experiment exhibitions...