To ensure the sustainable northward movement of

To ensure the sustainable northward movement of "Yihong Clear Water", the geological survey team of the Provincial Coal Field Geological Bureau will fully serve the ecological protection construction of the Nansihu Lake Basin

In order to ensure that "a clear water flows northward continuously", the physical survey team of the Coal Field Geology Bureau of Shandong Province, a geological environment party branch, took the initiative to take the initiative to undertake the "1:50000 multiple ecological Geological survey and evaluation project in the Nansihu Lake area of Shandong Province", and went all out to help build the ecological protection pattern of "one core, one screen, two belts, three zones and multiple corridors" in the Nansihu Lake basin, becoming the geological pioneer of ecological protection in the Nansihu Lake area.Leading the Party Building and Aggregating Forces to Take on Heavy TasksThe geological environment party branch of the team is a young Economic entity, which has been established for less than four years, and the average age of the staff is less than 35 years old...