Sinxuan Group Establishes Short Video Live Streaming Company,

Sinxuan Group Establishes Short Video Live Streaming Company, "Slice Distribution" Model Emerges, but Supervision Needs Strengthening

Sinxuan Group Establishes Short Video Live Streaming Company, "Slice Distribution" Model Emerges, but Supervision Needs StrengtheningIn recent years, as e-commerce live streaming has become increasingly popular, short video live streaming has gradually become a new trend. Recently, Sinxuan Group has established a short video live streaming company, further pushing the "slice distribution" model to the forefront...

Headline: Top Livestreaming Hosts Step Back from E-commerce as Industry Faces Shake-Up

Headline: Top Livestreaming Hosts Step Back from E-commerce as Industry Faces Shake-Up

Following the news of popular livestreaming hosts such as Yang Xiaoge and Simba scaling back their presence in the live-streaming e-commerce sector, the industry is facing a period of uncertainty. Analysts are predicting a potential shake-up as consumers question the reliability of livestreaming platforms...

Investors in talks to pour $3 billion into Elon Musk's AI startup xAI in new funding round that could value it at $180 billion

Investors in talks to pour $3 billion into Elon Musk's AI startup xAI in new funding round that could value it at $180 billion

Investors are in talks to help Elon Musk's artificial intelligence (AI) startup xAI raise $3 billion in a new funding round that would value the company at $180 billion, according to a report on April 7 by a foreign media outlet. Key Players Venture capital firms Gigafund and Steve Jurvetson are reportedly among the backers considering participating in the funding round...

Title: Boosting Payment Convenience for Outbound Tourists, Ant Group Drives Inbound Consumption Growth

Title: Boosting Payment Convenience for Outbound Tourists, Ant Group Drives Inbound Consumption Growth

In recent years, a series of Chinese government policies aimed at promoting inbound tourism have led to a steady increase in the number of foreign visitors to China. At the same time, under the guidance of the People's Bank of China (PBOC), domestic institutions have continuously rolled out initiatives to improve the payment convenience for foreigners visiting China, further driving the growth of inbound consumption...

DingTalk AI Assistant Upgrade: Multi-Modality, Long Text, and RPA Empowering Work and Productivity

DingTalk AI Assistant Upgrade: Multi-Modality, Long Text, and RPA Empowering Work and Productivity

On March 28, DingTalk AI Assistant announced a series of significant upgrades, including product capabilities such as image comprehension, document speed reading, and workflow, marking a major breakthrough in the integration of multi-modal, long text, and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) technologies into AI applications. Enhanced Visual Reasoning and Long Text Reading Capabilities Powered by Alibaba's Tongyi Thousand Questions Large Model Based on the Tongyi Thousand Questions large model developed by Alibaba, the upgraded DingTalk AI Assistant boasts stronger visual reasoning and long text reading capabilities...

Have you seen the Tiktok at 2 am? Can it be compared to an upgraded version of Momo? Hiding dirt and accepting dirt, implying constant

Have you seen the Tiktok at 2 am? Can it be compared to an upgraded version of Momo? Hiding dirt and accepting dirt, implying constant

Before reading this article, we sincerely invite you to click on itFollowIt not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support...

Xingji Meizu Group announced the completion of 2 billion yuan angel+round and A round financing

Xingji Meizu Group announced the completion of 2 billion yuan angel+round and A round financing

On November 16th, Xingji Meizu Group announced that it will complete a total of 2 billion RMB angel+round and A round financing in 2023, with a post investment valuation of over 10 billion RMB.It is reported that in the first half of this year, Xingji Meizu Group completed angel+round financing, with investors including Rongyi Investment, Xingyuan Fund, Wuhan Economic Development, etc...

Xu Ran, CEO of JD Group, also serves as CEO of JD Retail. Former CEO of JD Retail, Xin Lijun, has another appointment | 36 Kr exclusive

Xu Ran, CEO of JD Group, also serves as CEO of JD Retail. Former CEO of JD Retail, Xin Lijun, has another appointment | 36 Kr exclusive

Wen | Dong JieEditor | Qiao Qian, Yang Xuan36 Kr exclusively learned that Ms. Xu Ran, CEO of JD Group, will also serve as CEO of JD Retail Group, while Xin Lijun, former CEO of JD Retail Group, has another appointment...

JD Group's overall number of merchants reached a new high in the third quarter of 2023

JD Group's overall number of merchants reached a new high in the third quarter of 2023

On November 15th, Beijing time, JD Group released its performance for the third quarter of 2023. Despite continuing to maintain true low prices for products, genuine subsidies from merchants, and genuine investment in services, its revenue in the third quarter still achieved a year-on-year positive growth...

QQ announced that it will stop operating the group check-in function

QQ announced that it will stop operating the group check-in function

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: On November 15th, QQ officially announced that it will stop operating the group check-in function on November 30, 2023.It is understood that this feature provides multiple options on the group check-in page, including default study check-in, work check-in, and self-study start...

Tiktok at 2 am is the upgraded version of Momo? A vast expanse of hidden filth and filth, implying constant

Tiktok at 2 am is the upgraded version of Momo? A vast expanse of hidden filth and filth, implying constant

followIn the current digital age, social media platforms have had a profound impact on people's lives, especially among the younger generation. Tiktok, as a popular short video platform, has become an indispensable part of the daily life of many users...

Why are large domestic supermarkets closing down one after another, and Sam's Supermarket, which only pays to enter, is opening more and more?

Why are large domestic supermarkets closing down one after another, and Sam's Supermarket, which only pays to enter, is opening more and more?

Large domestic supermarkets are closing down one after another, but why is Sam's supermarket, which pays to consume, opening more and more? Why is Pangdonglai deeply loved by people, but still unable to leave Henan?According to statistics, in 2022, at least 1138 stores of domestic supermarkets will be closed, and Gome Retail, Lianhua, Red Flag Chain, Carrefour, Wal Mart will not be spared. Once a large supermarket was cheap, with a wide range of products, all goods can be seen and touched, and you can buy all daily necessities once, which is very popular...