Why can't we find MH370 after 9 years? What exactly happened to Malaysia Airlines MH370?

At 12:40 a.m

At 12:40 a.m. on March 8, 2014, flight MH370 was ready at Kuala Lumpur Airport, Malaysia. According to the instructions of Kuala Lumpur Tower, flight MH370 advanced to 3-2 right runway for taxiing.

The MH370 flight model is the Boeing 777 777-200ER, which was one of the more advanced aircraft models at that time. The Boeing 777, also known as the "37", is a long-range wide body passenger aircraft developed by Boeing Company of the United States, and also the world's largest twin jet engine.The cabin can accommodate 10 people in a row, with a capacity of 301-368 passengers.

Compared with other models of aircraft, the Boeing 777 is more intelligent in operation and the most automated aircraft in the world. As long as the route point is entered on the flight computer, the route can be locked. Waypoints refer to signs such as locations and stops between routes.

The Boeing 777-200ER model has a larger fuel capacity and can be used for trans ocean routes, with a range of 13084 kilometers.Flight MH370 is the 404th Boeing 777 aircraft, which was purchased by Malaysia Airlines at the end of May 2002. It was repaired and inspected on February 23, 2014, and conforms to the international Airworthiness Directive. On March 7, 2014, the pilot added oxygen in the cabin, and other performances of the aircraft were normal.

A total of 239 people took flight MH370 departing in the early morning of March 8th,There are 227 passengers, including 153 in China, 1 in Russia, 6 in Australia, 3 in the United States, and 50 in Malaysia.

There are 12 crew members, all of whom are Malaysian. Captain Zahari is from Penang, Malaysians. He worked for Malaysia Airlines in 1981, became a second-class officer in 1983, became the captain of Boeing 777-200ER in 1998, and served as the instructor and inspector of this model after 2007. He has more than 18000 hours of flight experience.

Compared with Zahari, Farik, the vice captain, has a relatively junior qualification. He started training to fly the Boeing 777-200 at the end of 2003, with only 2763 hours of flight experience.

12: At 42 minutes, flight MH370 took off from the navigation lock waypoint IGARI, which is located above the South China Sea of Peninsular Malaysia and Vietnam.

Twenty minutes later, the copilot said to the tower that he wanted to rise to 10700 meters (350 meters), and the Kuala Lumpur tower agreed to the copilot's application. At 1:01, flight MH370 reached 10700 meters.

1: At 19, the MH370 was over the Gulf of Thailand (also known as the "Gulf of Siam"), and was about to enter the control area of Vietnam Tower. The Kuala Lumpur air traffic controller and the co pilot said, "MH370, please contact Ho Chi Minh, 120.9, good night.

Good night, MH370.

Kuala Lumpur air traffic controllers have been looking at the MH370 on the radar, but it does not show that it has been taken over by Ho Chi Minh Tower.

The Vietnamese side detected MH370 approaching and proactively reminded the plane to contact Ho Chi Minh Tower, but MH370 still did not respond. The Kuala Lumpur air traffic controller called MH370 again, but this time he couldn't hear an answer.

Under normal circumstances, when the pilot receives the channel from the next tower, they will contact the next tower within 60 seconds, and MH370 is clearly not working properly.

The aircraft signs on the radars of the two city towers indicate that the MH370 has been traveling along the route without any alarms sounding.

MH370, do you hear me

The tower called other flights near MH370, and the captain of one flight stated that he could connectMH370 flight, but no one spoke, only some noise.

1: At about 38 minutes, Kuala Lumpur Tower and Ho Chi Minh Tower were almost on the radar at the same time, and the MH370 aircraft logo was lost.

A high-tech aircraft carrying 239 people disappeared silently over the Gulf of Thailand.

227 passengers' families have arrived in Malaysia one after another. They are waiting for a result. In the era of rapid development of modern science and technology, various radars and satellites almost monitor the world, except for science fiction, who can imagine that an aircraft will disappear in reality?

Is it human? Or was it an accident?

Rescue teams have been deployed from 26 countries around the world,China has sent a maritime police ship to search the Gulf of Thailand where MH370 may fall. Malaysia has sent air force aircraft, navy warships, etc. The United States, Australia and other countries have also sent search and rescue teams in succession.

Strangely, there are many fishing boats at the location where MH370 flight is highly likely to fall. According to the fishermen, they did not hear any explosion sound, and the sea was relatively calm, without any waves caused by large heavy objects falling.

Most fishing boats are equipped with radar, and search and rescue personnel did not find any trace of MH370 on the ship's radar.

MH370 has evaporated from human life?


Since the disappearance of MH370 flight on March 8th, China has been continuously deploying search and rescue forces. On March 14th, 8 ships and 5 helicopters were dispatched to continuously search for the traces of MH370 on the sea and seabed.



According to Kuala Lumpur tower radar,After answering the air traffic controller at 1:19, flight MH370 remained silent and disappeared on the radar after 19 minutes,What happened to MH370 in these 19 minutes?

Assumption 1: The theory of hijacking

At the same time as the maritime search and rescue work was underway, Malaysian police and various departments were also verifying the identity of each passenger one by one. The Malaysian police found that,Two people on MH370 flight held fake passports, which were registered by the International Criminal Police.

Before the disappearance of MH370, there was a 19 minute blank time, and the hijacking claim was widely accepted by most people.


When the MH370 was about to be taken over by the Ho Chi Minh Tower, it had already reached the stratosphere where autonomous driving could be implemented. At this point, only one of the two pilots could be left in the cockpit.


Although hijacking is a bad thing, it is a hope for family members, meaning that their loved ones and friends are still alive.

investigationThere are four ways to alarm, including radio calls, emergency distress frequencies, ACARS (Aircraft Communication and Location Reporting System) markings, and code warnings.

The ACARS system is a system that transmits aircraft and ground models through radio or satellite,Although it is not possible to continuously provide the positioning of the aircraft, it can provide the operational status of the aircraft.

Code warning refers to the pilot entering an alarm code and sending it to the tower and airline at a special frequency.

These two operations are relatively simple on the Boeing 777 aircraft. The pilot can give an alarm as long as he finds the opportunity.

Within 19 minutes, the tower and Malaysia Airlines did not receive any alarm messages from MH370. Did the two captains sacrifice themselves?

As mentioned earlier, the Boeing 777 model is an automated aircraft with many complex systems. It is impossible to operate the aircraft without professional training. It is difficult for two terrorists alone to fully control MH370.

MH370investigationThese two people have no connection with the terrorist organization, and the other 237 passengers are also unrelated to the terrorist organization.

In addition, countries have not received calls for ransom, and the suspicion of hijacking has gradually been ruled out.

Assumption 2: Accident Theory


Because in the design of the Boeing 777, its loaded systems support each other. For example, if system A fails, system B will provide services. It is not easy to completely shut down the ACARS system, unless the aircraft circuit system fails.


After checking the MH370 waybill, the weight of the goods on that day reached 10800 kilograms, including 221 kilograms of lithium-ion batteries.


This conjecture was quickly denied because on March 7th, during the refueling of MH370 flight, other systems were checked and no issues were found.

That is to say, if the temperature in the cargo hold is too high and a fire occurs, the cargo hold alarm will definitely sound in advance, and the radio will also provide a warning. The crew cannot wait for the fire to escalate before paying attention.

The Malaysian government stated during a press conference a few days after the disappearance of Flight MH370, as mentioned in Sky News documentaries on "Aerial Catastrophe" and "60 Minutes" in Australia, that military radar had recorded the flight trajectory of Flight MH370 in the early hours of March 8th.

After flight MH370 lost contact, instead of following the established route, it turned left, along the east coast of Sumatra to the north coast. After flying for 400 kilometers, it turned right and then left, completing an oval circle in the air.

In the eyes of professionals, MH370 is currently in waiting mode. What is it waiting for?

About 20 minutes later, MH370 flew southward to the South Indian Ocean and remained stable for about 6 hours before disappearing into the waters of the South Indian Ocean.

After analyzing the information sent back by the ACARS system of MH370, the technicians of the International Maritime Communications satellite found that the MH370 had disappeared from the civil radar for about one hour, that is, at 2:25 in the morning, and had actively sent a HandshakeSignal. Grip signal refers to the communication signal between an aircraft and a satellite.

The MH370ACARS system received face-to-face calls at 2:39 am and 7:13 am, but did not answer them. The handshake signal continued until 8:19 am when MH370 issued a "login request". After the ground station responded, MH370 delayed in responding.

Based on the estimated amount of fuel carried by MH370,12:41am to 8:19am, approachingThe 8-hour flight time is the limit of MH370 fuel,investigationMH370 is likely to have crashed into the southern Indian Ocean.


Hypothesis Three: Suicide Theory

From the perspective of terrain, the MH370 plane's turning point can be seen from Penang, Malaysia, which happens to be the hometown of Captain Zahari.


In addition, when Zahari studied in the Philippine Airlines Air School, one of his classmates was the Pakistani terrorist Murad, but no official record of his training in the Philippines was found.

Zahari and his family moved on the 7th, but after that, Malaysian officials dismissed rumors that they were not moving, but living in another home.


Within 20 minutes of hovering, Zahari was communicating with the Malaysian government or possibly with others. Finally, Zahari flew his plane south to the South Indian Ocean and disappeared.


After the flight stabilized, Zahari put the plane into autopilot mode until 8:19 am,If the fuel runs out, MH370 will directly fall into the sea.

In addition, when the hijacking speculation is placed on Captain Zahari, it is also more in line. Zahari has many years of experience in driving the Boeing 777 model, and he also served as the auditor of the model, so he can say that he knows this aircraft like the back of his hand. It is not difficult for him to shut down the communication system and ACARS system with the ground.


This statement has been denied by Zahari's family and colleagues, who do not believe that Zahari will do anything shameless. Since the disappearance of MH370, there has been a lot of support for the speculation of the captain hijacking or committing suicide.

The main reason is stillAfter the MH370 disappeared from the civilian radar, it was monitored by the military radar and ACARS system and circled near Sumatra,So far, even the most intelligent and automated civilian aircraft cannot rotate on their own.

This is clearly someone manipulating, and it is precisely this person who set the MH370's southbound route to the South Indian Ocean. Until the MH370 black box was found, these could only be guesses.


After the final route of MH370 was announced,Rescue teams from various countriesConduct sea and seabed searches in the southern Indian Ocean region,A seabed map of 208000 kilometers was drawn and 120000 square kilometers were searched.

In the autumn of 2015, suspected MH370 flaps, a damaged suitcase, Chinese water bottles, and Indonesian cleaning products were discovered on Reunion Island.At the end of the year, a piece of gray debris was found on the beach in the south of Mozambique. Experts compared the debris with other Boeing 777 aircraft and thought it was the fairing part of the flap track.

In February 2016, objects marked with "NOSTEP" were found on the sandbar of Bazaruto Archipelago,The location where the flaps and ailerons were discovered is 2000 kilometers away, and Australian experts believe that this object is the horizontal stabilizer panel of the MH370.

In the summer of 2016, the outer flap of the aircraft was found on Pemba Island in Tanzania, which was later confirmed by Malaysian authorities as the MH370 wreckage.

Over the years,A total of 33 suspected aircraft wreckage fragments were found, of which 23 can be confirmed to be MH370 wreckage,But the official has not officially confirmed it to the public.

The official rescue team is gradually decreasing, but there are still many people who want to know where MH370 has gone.

Richard Godfrey, a Amateur radio, made new discoveries by analyzing radio signals in the Indian Ocean,At MH370, 160 signals have been sent out, with an average of once every 2 minutes.

They also submitted the newly discovered clues to the Malaysian authorities, hoping to restart the search for MH370 as soon as possible.

It has been 9 years since MH370 disappeared,The families of 153 Chinese passengers on MH370 flight have not given up searching for them in these years.In 2021, the "Malaysia Airlines MH370 Foundation" was established,I hope to attract more people to rejoin the team searching for MH370.

Various countries have also filmed relevant documentaries on flight MH370. In March 2023, the "MH370: The Lost Aircraft" broadcast by Netflix put forward a new Conspiracy theory, which blamed the cause of the crash on political problems and was criticized by some netizens.

So far, there has been a lot of support for Zahari's suicide speculation.

investigationMH370For some reason, the MH370 caused a loss of cabin pressure and oxygen depletion, causing the entire plane to fall into a coma. This statement alone has some unreasonable aspects, such as how the plane rotates when it is unconscious. But when this conjecture is combined with the captain's suicide theory, everything seems reasonable.

No one can make a final decision until the MH370 black box is found.


[1] 9NOW-60 MH370-investigation2018

[2] Aerial Catastrophe "Malaysia Airlines Flight 370"

[3] Wikipedia Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

[4] 9NOW-60 minutes "Discovering the Latest Clues of MH370" 2022-02-20

[5] Sky News' SPECIALINVESTIGATION: Shocking new claims, height on oomed MH370flight '2022-03-04

[6] CCTV Network Malaysia Airlines MH370 Lost Connection Website

[7] Netflix's MH370: The Disappearing Aircraft

[8] China Airlines News Network "MH370 Lost Connection Seventh Anniversary! Passenger Family Plans to Establish a Foundation and Offer Reward Search" 2021-03-09

[9] Revealing the Disappearing Aircraft of MH370- The Worst Documentary on Netflix

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