Rongsheng Food Festival Hangzhou Tour Will Borderless Refrigerator 605 Explore Urban Fresh Life

Rongsheng Food Festival Hangzhou Tour Will Borderless Refrigerator 605 Explore Urban Fresh Life

Lighten up the quality of life and unleash the beauty of home. Recently, Rongsheng's 40 year old "Exploring the Fresh World" food carnival tour has come to an end in Hangzhou and Zhejiang...

Tencent To-do will cease operations and be delisted on December 20th

Tencent To-do will cease operations and be delisted on December 20th

It is understood that Tencent To-do is a to-do list and schedule management tool presented in a WeChat mini program. It can help users complete tasks and schedule time, and provide functions such as cross device cloud synchronization, cycle reminders, inventory management, and clear classification...

China's manned space industry is making significant progress as the space station enters a new stage of normalized operation

China's manned space industry is making significant progress as the space station enters a new stage of normalized operation

CCTV News:From welcoming the first Chinese visitor in the vast space to today, in 20 years, China's manned space program has gone from the end of the "first step" to the comprehensive completion of the "three step" strategy, and the space station has also entered a new stage of normalized operation.At 5:20 am on October 15, 2003, the launch ceremony of the Shenzhou-5 astronaut was held at the Wentian Pavilion of the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center...

Observation | In the era of widespread application of AI, how can enterprises avoid

Observation | In the era of widespread application of AI, how can enterprises avoid "speaking better than doing"

At the 2023 Shanghai International Consumer Electronics Technology Exhibition (TechG), several professionals in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) stated that AI is becoming an indispensable core element in smart life, and how to use AI to achieve enterprise intelligence has become the most concerned topic in various fields.This exhibition brings together nearly 200 technology companies from over 10 countries and regions...

Generate 10000 character novels with one click! Chinese online publishing of big models: not a complete transfer of creative rights

Generate 10000 character novels with one click! Chinese online publishing of big models: not a complete transfer of creative rights

As long as you have creative ideas, 'Xiaoyao Big Model' can help you write novels of ten thousand words, giving more ordinary people the opportunity to be seen in their livesOn October 13th, Tong Zhilei, Chairman of China Online Group Co., Ltd...

Two aircraft take off every 2 minutes Haikou Meilan Airport dual runway operation program improves efficiency

Two aircraft take off every 2 minutes Haikou Meilan Airport dual runway operation program improves efficiency

On October 14, 2023, at 06:28, the controller of the North Tower of Hainan Air Traffic Control Bureau issued a takeoff command, and the aircraft on the north runway began to accelerate and lift off, soaring into the clouds.In just 2 minutes, the controller of Hainan Air Traffic Control Bureau's South Tower issued another takeoff command, "Shenlu 5349, runway 09, ready to take offA plane soared into the air...

The era of takeout is coming to an end, and a new industry is breaking through. Are you ready?

The era of takeout is coming to an end, and a new industry is breaking through. Are you ready?

In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet and the continuous acceleration of people's pace of life, the delivery industry has rapidly risen and occupied our lives. However, while we are immersed in various conveniences, a new industry is quietly emerging, attempting to break through and change people's lifestyles...

The time has come for a joint counterattack! After being unable to evacuate India, India has once again

The time has come for a joint counterattack! After being unable to evacuate India, India has once again "harvested" Chinese enterprises!

India seems to have bitten down Chinese companies.In the past, international giants such as Nokia, Samsung, IBM, and Google have all faced huge fines in the Indian market, including our Chinese enterprises...

Honor Appears at the 2023 China Mobile Global Partner Conference, Jointly Exploring New Development in the Digital Intelligence Era

Honor Appears at the 2023 China Mobile Global Partner Conference, Jointly Exploring New Development in the Digital Intelligence Era

From October 11th to October 13th, the 2023 China Mobile Global Partner Conference was held in Guangzhou, where Honor presented its entire range of products, as well as full scenarios and industry solutions for consumers and government and enterprise customers. With hard core technology, it received unanimous recognition from the industry and was awarded the Best Terminal Partner Award and the Most Popular Product Award at this China Mobile Global Partner Conference, laying a solid foundation for promoting sustained and deep cooperation between the two sides in the future, Collaborate and collaborate on innovation, jointly build an industrial ecosystem, and promote industry development through resonance...

Winning List |

Winning List | "Legal Issues in Generative Artificial Intelligence" Theme Essay Winning List

The profound evolution of new technologies such as the Internet, big data, and artificial intelligence has accelerated the transformation of industries towards digitization, intelligence, and greenery. The intelligent industry and digital economy have flourished, changing the global allocation of factor resources, industrial development models, and people's lifestyles...

Dong Xin, General Manager of China Mobile: Jointly discussing new paths for product development and expanding the blue ocean of information services

Dong Xin, General Manager of China Mobile: Jointly discussing new paths for product development and expanding the blue ocean of information services

On October 12th, the 2023 China Mobile Global Partner Conference Product Innovation and Development Forum was held in Guangzhou. Dong Xin, General Manager of China Mobile, attended the forum and delivered a speech...

Visiting China's First Zero Carbon Data Center: Green and Smart Operations with Unlimited

Visiting China's First Zero Carbon Data Center: Green and Smart Operations with Unlimited "Possibilities" in the Present and Future

Qinghai Haidong, China News Agency, October 12 (Xinhua) Question: Visiting China's First Zero Carbon Data Center: Green and Smart Operation with Unlimited "Possibilities" in the Present and FutureAuthor Li JunRecently, the reporter visited China's first zero carbon data center, China Telecom (National) Digital Qinghai Green Big Data Center, located in Hehuang New District, Haidong City, Qinghai Province. Photovoltaic car sheds, 5G unmanned zero carbon minibuses, AR simulation sand tables, inspection robots, and various green and intelligent operation methods all make people feel full of technology...