Title: Boosting Payment Convenience for Outbound Tourists, Ant Group Drives Inbound Consumption Growth

Title: Boosting Payment Convenience for Outbound Tourists, Ant Group Drives Inbound Consumption Growth

In recent years, a series of Chinese government policies aimed at promoting inbound tourism have led to a steady increase in the number of foreign visitors to China. At the same time, under the guidance of the People's Bank of China (PBOC), domestic institutions have continuously rolled out initiatives to improve the payment convenience for foreigners visiting China, further driving the growth of inbound consumption...

Brightmore Pinduoduo Vertical Farming Challenge: Advancing Innovation in Container-Based Cultivation

Brightmore Pinduoduo Vertical Farming Challenge: Advancing Innovation in Container-Based Cultivation

The Brightmore Pinduoduo Vertical Farming Challenge, also known as the fourth "Pinduoduo Agricultural Research and Development Technology Competition," has officially commenced, inviting applications from 15 teams worldwide. As an agricultural technology innovation platform established by Pinduoduo, China's leading agricultural e-commerce platform, this competition's latest edition focuses on AI cultivation and the design of container-based plant factories...

DingTalk AI Assistant Upgrade: Multi-Modality, Long Text, and RPA Empowering Work and Productivity

DingTalk AI Assistant Upgrade: Multi-Modality, Long Text, and RPA Empowering Work and Productivity

On March 28, DingTalk AI Assistant announced a series of significant upgrades, including product capabilities such as image comprehension, document speed reading, and workflow, marking a major breakthrough in the integration of multi-modal, long text, and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) technologies into AI applications. Enhanced Visual Reasoning and Long Text Reading Capabilities Powered by Alibaba's Tongyi Thousand Questions Large Model Based on the Tongyi Thousand Questions large model developed by Alibaba, the upgraded DingTalk AI Assistant boasts stronger visual reasoning and long text reading capabilities...

 Yadea Cocoa: An Innovative E-Bike Designed for Urban Commuting

Yadea Cocoa: An Innovative E-Bike Designed for Urban Commuting

At the 2024 Consumer Electronics Show, Yadea unveiled the Cocoa, an electric bicycle that breaks away from the brand's familiar designs with its step-through frame and wide tires, targeting urban commuters. Power Performance The Yadea Cocoa is powered by a rear hub motor, providing a 250W rated output and a top speed of approximately 24km/h...

Douyin Cracks Down on

Douyin Cracks Down on "Thick Black Studies" and "Pseudo-Success Learning" to Safeguard Platform Content Ecosystem

Douyin Cracks Down on "Thick Black Studies" and "Pseudo-Success Learning" to Safeguard Platform Content EcosystemIntroductionOn March 25, Douyin officially announced the launch of a special campaign to combat "Thick Black Studies" and "Pseudo-Success Learning" content on its platform. This campaign aims to address the issue of some "self-media" accounts exploiting social anxiety, unscrupulously attracting followers and redirecting traffic for profit, thereby undermining the health and order of the platform's content ecosystem...

The most serious engineering mistake in the world, with huge costs but bad debts, China accounts for two

The most serious engineering mistake in the world, with huge costs but bad debts, China accounts for two

How astonishing is human intelligence and creativity?We can build skyscrapers that soar into the clouds, or build bridges that span the sea. We can transform nature and create miracles...

NetEase's Q3 2023 financial report: Net revenue of 27.3 billion yuan and net profit of 8.6 billion yuan

NetEase's Q3 2023 financial report: Net revenue of 27.3 billion yuan and net profit of 8.6 billion yuan

E Company News: On November 16th, NetEase released its financial report for the third quarter of 2023, with Q3 net revenue of 27.3 billion yuan, in line with market expectations, compared to 24...

Baidu AI Cloud won the Smart City Award at the China Hi tech Fair, and the big model led the digital transformation of the industry

Baidu AI Cloud won the Smart City Award at the China Hi tech Fair, and the big model led the digital transformation of the industry

On November 16-17, as an important component of the 25th High tech Fair, the "2023 Smart City Development Summit Forum" jointly hosted by the National Information Center and Asian Data Group was held in Shenzhen. This forum focuses on the theme of "digital transformation stimulates new vitality in cities", attracting active participation from representatives from various sectors such as government, enterprises, and research institutions...

On the Double 11, the most authentic mobile phone sales came out: Xiaomi soared 43.7%, and Huawei also won win thoroughly!

On the Double 11, the most authentic mobile phone sales came out: Xiaomi soared 43.7%, and Huawei also won win thoroughly!

Which mobile phone brands are selling well this year's Double 11? We have already introduced that the biggest winners should be Xiaomi and Huawei. But some people online also question the fairness of statistics...

The express delivery fee is so expensive, why is it even for one yuan? What do Taobao Pinduoduo merchants earn?

The express delivery fee is so expensive, why is it even for one yuan? What do Taobao Pinduoduo merchants earn?

In the era of mobile Internet, people's lifestyle has been linked to the Internet, among which "online shopping" is undoubtedly the most popular. Through various online platforms, people can buy all kinds of goods, even some cars and houses, through Taobao, Tiktok, etc! But many friends will find that Pinduoduo and Taobao also have many low-priced products, such as one cent or one yuan, but these types of products are shipped to home, and many netizens will be puzzled...

Huawei's total debt has exceeded the 700 billion yuan mark, reaching a new historical high!

Huawei's total debt has exceeded the 700 billion yuan mark, reaching a new historical high!

Huawei released its third quarter report at the end of October, and most of us are focused on Huawei's net profit, but have overlooked Huawei's total liabilities.Huawei's revenue in the first three quarters of this year was 456...

The 13 kilometer tunnel has been repaired for 14 years! How many Chinese engineers have turned their green hair into white hair as tunnels turn into water curtains

The 13 kilometer tunnel has been repaired for 14 years! How many Chinese engineers have turned their green hair into white hair as tunnels turn into water curtains

You may have heard of it,China has a tunnel with a total length of only 13.39 kilometers, but it took 14 years to complete,What's going on here?This tunnel is the Shanyang Tunnel of the Dali Ruili Railway,It is known as the most difficult railway tunnel for surrounding rock excavation in China, and sometimes even becomes a "water curtain tunnel",Causing headaches for engineers...