Pinduoduo released 11.11 data: Over 40 categories have doubled, with a 10 billion yuan increase in subsidy orders, a year-on-year increase of 107%

Pinduoduo released 11.11 data: Over 40 categories have doubled, with a 10 billion yuan increase in subsidy orders, a year-on-year increase of 107%

On November 13th, Pinduoduo November 11th ushered in a truly fragrant ending, with a record high number of brands, merchants, and products participating in the platform's promotion. More than 40 sub categories such as agricultural products, domestic products, and global good goods achieved double growth, with a year-on-year increase of 107% in the number of 10 billion subsidy orders...

Huawei fell out of the top five, Apple only ranked third, and China's mobile phone market share was the biggest dark horse

Huawei fell out of the top five, Apple only ranked third, and China's mobile phone market share was the biggest dark horse

The sales data of China's mobile phone market in the third quarter came out unexpectedly, so why did Huawei's sales still not catch up with Apple? The first place is neither Apple nor Huawei, who is the dark horse?September is actually the most important month in China's mobile phone market in 2023, as not only did Huawei release the far leading Mate60, but Apple also announced its own new iPhone 15 series phone this month.Huawei has achieved its perfect crush on Apple with its satellite communication, air separation sliding screen, self-developed chips, and numerous domestic supplies...

JD 001 courier Jin Yichai: After working tirelessly for 13 years, what did Liu Qiangdong give him?

JD 001 courier Jin Yichai: After working tirelessly for 13 years, what did Liu Qiangdong give him?

Speaking of, except for Liu Qiangdong himselfThere is also an employee with the code number 001...

Why are more and more KTV stores closing? Netizen: This pot of Chinese music must be memorized

Why are more and more KTV stores closing? Netizen: This pot of Chinese music must be memorized

Title: The Dilemma of Entertainment Consumption for Young People: Economic Pressure or Life Choices?In today's fast-paced and high-pressure social environment, young people are facing unprecedented challenges. As the cost of living increases and job competition intensifies, they find themselves caught up in a complex economic and psychological vortex...

Enable more Chinese enterprises to make good use of industrial software, and release the Industrial Software Ecological Platform by Hikvision

Enable more Chinese enterprises to make good use of industrial software, and release the Industrial Software Ecological Platform by Hikvision

During the 6th China International Import Expo, Hexconn also ushered in a "new moment". The Hexconn X Huixin All Intelligent IImake industrial software ecological platform made its debut in the "New Product Collection" and completed its first meeting with a large number of Chinese customers...

This year's Double Eleven, with dismal performance, where should e-commerce practitioners go!

This year's Double Eleven, with dismal performance, where should e-commerce practitioners go!

The business performance of the Double Eleven Electric Company this year was indeed somewhat dismal, and there are mainly three reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly, consumers prefer offline stores more...

Be careful, browsing pornographic websites can also result in censorship! Here comes the 'big data anti pornography'!

Be careful, browsing pornographic websites can also result in censorship! Here comes the 'big data anti pornography'!

Title: The Era of Big Data: Finding a Balance between Cracking Down on Bad Online Content and Protecting Privacy RightsIn this era of rapid digital progress, every keystroke and screen touch we make may become a part of the data stream. And when these data come together, they form powerful and omniscient big data...

Li Jiaqi's team responded to the

Li Jiaqi's team responded to the "Double 11 revenue of 25 billion yuan": never releasing data, economists: the development trend of live streaming e-commerce has begun to shift from "top anchor" to "store anchor"

On November 13th in the financial industry, according to media reports today, according to Li Jiaqi's team's statistics, based on the sales and selling prices of Li Jiaqi's live streaming room, during the Double Eleven period this year, Li Jiaqi's total revenue is conservatively estimated to exceed 25 billion yuan. According to media reports, the US ONE side responded by stating that it never released the Double Eleven data...

Not 'Made in India'? Huawei didn't expect it, Apple officially clarified, foreign media: unable to handle it

Not 'Made in India'? Huawei didn't expect it, Apple officially clarified, foreign media: unable to handle it

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Double Eleven is dead! Is Tmall JD Pinduoduo Quiet and the E-commerce Shopping Festival Fade from the Historical Stage?

Double Eleven is dead! Is Tmall JD Pinduoduo Quiet and the E-commerce Shopping Festival Fade from the Historical Stage?

Before reading this article, we sincerely invite you to click on 'Follow', which not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support...

The popular 'BB machine' in the 1990s used to sell for 2000 yuan, but does it still have a signal now?

The popular 'BB machine' in the 1990s used to sell for 2000 yuan, but does it still have a signal now?

writing|Guatian Plumedit|History of Mu LanguageThe BB machine can be described as a "fashionable item" of the 1990s.In the popular old Hong Kong drama "Heaven and Earth Man", there have been multiple appearances of BB machines...

Uncover this year's Double 11: Why has it become the coldest year in history?

Uncover this year's Double 11: Why has it become the coldest year in history?

This year's Double 11 seems to have lost its previous popularity, and can even be said to be the coldest year in recent years! Here, we can explore and analyze together what exactly made this supposed hot day so desolate.1...