China plans to build a super project, which may help the southern economy to take it to the next level

In recent years, China has continuously strengthened its infrastructure construction, especially in the field of super engineering, and has achieved remarkable results. Among them, the Qiongzhou Strait cross sea channel is an important super project planned and constructed in China, and the construction of this project will bring great help to the southern economy

In recent years, China has continuously strengthened its infrastructure construction, especially in the field of super engineering, and has achieved remarkable results. Among them, the Qiongzhou Strait cross sea channel is an important super project planned and constructed in China, and the construction of this project will bring great help to the southern economy.

The Qiongzhou Strait cross sea channel is a highway and railway cross sea channel connecting Leizhou Peninsula and Hainan Island. The total investment of this channel exceeds 150 billion yuan and is managed by the Hainan Provincial Cross Sea Office. Since 1994, Guangdong and Hainan have jointly carried out the preliminary research work of the Qiongzhou Strait cross sea project. On October 16, 2009, the feasibility study and 15 special research projects of the Qiong Project were officially launched.

The Qiongzhou Strait is about 80 kilometers long from east to west, with an average width of 29.5 kilometers from north to south. The straight-line distance at the widest point is 33.5 kilometers, and the straight-line distance at the narrowest point is about 18 kilometers. However, there are four highly challenging issues in this strait, which are also major challenges faced by the construction of the project. Firstly, there are no islands in the strait, which makes it impossible for the cross sea bridge to have a support point in the vast sea; Secondly, the underwater terrain of the strait is a deep tidal trough, which poses a significant challenge to the stability of the bridge; Thirdly, there are frequent typhoons in Hainan. If a clue bridge with a length of over 1000 meters is adopted, once encountering strong winds, it will cause serious impacts; Finally, there are many ships passing through the Qiongzhou Strait. If a bridge is built, the navigation of ships may be affected.

In response to these problems, the experts of the Qiongzhou Strait cross sea channel put forward several engineering schemes as preliminary suggestions: one is tunnel crossing, one is cross sea bridge crossing, and the other is the combination of tunnel and bridge. Among them, the tunnel crossing plan is the final construction plan.

The construction of this super project will further improve China's infrastructure construction, shorten the distance between Hainan and the mainland, improve transportation efficiency in the southern region, and accelerate the development of Hainan's economy. At the same time, the construction of this project will also promote the coordinated development of regional economy and promote the sustainable development of China's economy.

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