Here comes the 'Little Man Donkey'! Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology has officially launched a new campus express delivery model

Here comes the 'Little Man Donkey'! Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology has officially launched a new campus express delivery model

I am a Little Man Donkey unmanned vehicle, package delivery package line. In order to further improve the intelligent level of campus express delivery services, recently, the Logistics Support Department of Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology coordinated with Cainiao Post Station merchants to deploy the unmanned express vehicle "Little Man Donkey" on the southern campus, starting to deliver packages to Master Guang students!It is understood that "Xiao Man Lv" is a logistics robot developed by Alibaba Dharma Institute, integrating the latest artificial intelligence and autonomous driving technology...

Live streaming should emphasize

Live streaming should emphasize "professional ethics"

QuanziThe National Day Golden Week has just passed, and the live streaming rooms of major online platforms with goods are becoming increasingly lively day by day. Many anchors have admitted that they have entered a state of preparation for the "Double Eleven" campaign...

Can virtual digital people replace live streamers?

Can virtual digital people replace live streamers?

With the help of AI technology, digital human virtual anchors are rapidly heating up. During the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day this year, many "digital people" anchors quietly took up their posts and continuously broadcasted 24 hours a day, attracting many late night party members to place irrational orders...

The children trembled, and the whole process of mother changing clothes was broadcast live! Why is Tiktok video forbidden repeatedly?

The children trembled, and the whole process of mother changing clothes was broadcast live! Why is Tiktok video forbidden repeatedly?

Dear reader, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read my article. This is a recognition of my efforts and a driving force for my continuous creation...

The fastest 4-hour delivery time in Hong Kong: JD, Hong Kong, and Macau have opened multiple self operated centers, accelerating the competition among express delivery giants

The fastest 4-hour delivery time in Hong Kong: JD, Hong Kong, and Macau have opened multiple self operated centers, accelerating the competition among express delivery giants

Reporter: Wang Yubiao Editor: Liu XuemeiThe layout of express delivery giants in the Hong Kong and Macao regions is accelerating.On October 17th, JD Express announced the upgrade of its Hong Kong and Macau express delivery business...

Burning 100 million yuan a day, Indonesian express companies almost replaced the Three Links and One Delivery! But unfortunately, it was banned by the entire industry

Burning 100 million yuan a day, Indonesian express companies almost replaced the Three Links and One Delivery! But unfortunately, it was banned by the entire industry

In the era of the Internet, there are many companies that have come from behind to take the lead. JD...

What a tragedy! A woman in Taiyuan has suffered quadriplegia due to picking up a delivery, and Cainiao Station may face high compensation!

What a tragedy! A woman in Taiyuan has suffered quadriplegia due to picking up a delivery, and Cainiao Station may face high compensation!

Nowadays, online shopping can be said to have fully covered our daily lives. With the sharp increase in express delivery volume, a third-party service station has emerged, namely Cainiao Station...

In order to deceive people into entering the factory, the factory flowers started a live broadcast on the assembly line

In order to deceive people into entering the factory, the factory flowers started a live broadcast on the assembly line

In the stuffy and cramped factory building, endless assembly line machines carry a continuous stream of USB night lights, while the "factory girls" next to the machines, dressed in beautiful clothes and heavily dressed, have a numb expression and slightly closed eyes. The hours long live broadcast only repeats the testing process of plugging and unplugging, without any work or edges...

Suspected of Taobao's live streaming account being launched, and Li Sisi, the

Suspected of Taobao's live streaming account being launched, and Li Sisi, the "CCTV First Sister", transitioning to live streaming and sales after leaving?

Urban Express - Orange and Persimmon Interactive News: "The most difficult thing to part with is to bid farewell to the day, and the slightest willow leaves the east wind. Thirteen years of struggle, grateful for everything...

Mixin, who signed in to deliver Bitcoin, was hacked first

Mixin, who signed in to deliver Bitcoin, was hacked first

Image source @ Visual ChinaArticle | Top Financial, Author | Octopus BrotherThe most essential aspect of the coin circle is hacker attacks.On September 25th, MixinNetwork cloud service provider database confirmed to have been hacked, resulting in the loss of main network assets...

Assist in the construction of a digital Suzhou Xijiao Liverpool University supercomputing platform for use

Assist in the construction of a digital Suzhou Xijiao Liverpool University supercomputing platform for use

After nearly a year of preparation and construction, the supercomputing platform of Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University has officially started operation recently, providing stable and efficient computing power support services to all university researchers, meeting the demand for computing power in multiple research fields of the university, and assisting the development of university research.It is reported that the platform adopts advanced CPU and GPU heterogeneous computing architecture...

Zhang Chaoyang's Physics Class is coming to Chongqing University! Sohu Video Series Live Activity Sync Start

Zhang Chaoyang's Physics Class is coming to Chongqing University! Sohu Video Series Live Activity Sync Start

At noon on October 14th, the representative IP of Sohu Video Knowledge Live, "Zhang Chaoyang's Physics Class," will open a special session at Chongqing University. Zhang Chaoyang, founder of Sohu, chairman of the board of directors and CEO, and PhD in physics, will deliver a physics keynote speech at Chongqing University...