Shang Tang: Alibaba subsidiary has completed share sale

Shang Tang: Alibaba subsidiary has completed share sale

On July 21st, Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report reported that in the afternoon of today, Shang Tang announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the company had been notified by Taobao Holdings Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Alibaba Group, that it had orderly sold all of its Class B shares in the company, and as of the announcement date, such sales arrangements had been completed. Taobao Holding Limited's existing business dealings with the group will not be affected...

The coldest summer season for mobile phones: sales halved, inventory backlog, and single machine profits of tens of yuan

The coldest summer season for mobile phones: sales halved, inventory backlog, and single machine profits of tens of yuan

source |Tech Planetwriting |Wang Linsource |Figure insect creativityZhang Xiaofeng, who runs a mobile phone store in Inner Mongolia, did not welcome the expected summer. In the past, summer was one of the best-selling seasons for mobile phone brands (followed by winter vacation), with Q2 selling over 100 million phones throughout the summer at its peak...

Within 24 hours of the introduction of a ban on the sale of gallium and germanium, the United States, Japan, and Europe have exploded in China's phone calls, causing product prices to soar to 10000 yuan

Within 24 hours of the introduction of a ban on the sale of gallium and germanium, the United States, Japan, and Europe have exploded in China's phone calls, causing product prices to soar to 10000 yuan

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Hisense's after-sales service needs to replace the motherboard for 600 to 700 yuan, and the customer repaired it for 25 yuan themselves. The customer complained that the video caused a stir

Hisense's after-sales service needs to replace the motherboard for 600 to 700 yuan, and the customer repaired it for 25 yuan themselves. The customer complained that the video caused a stir

Hisense has become famous now, but what it produces is not a good name.The cause of the incident was that a Hisense customer had a blue screen on their TV, and then called Hisense's after-sales service to inspect it at their doorstep...

These products will be taken off the shelves immediately, and sales are strictly prohibited, involving platforms such as Tmall Pinduoduo

These products will be taken off the shelves immediately, and sales are strictly prohibited, involving platforms such as Tmall Pinduoduo

Mobile power supply, also known as "power bank". The latest quality supervision and spot check results of online mobile power products released by the State Administration for Market Regulation show that more than one third of the products in the spot check are unqualified...

Comprehensive ban on sales, rapid action by the European Union, Huawei: Can't stand me and can't kill me

Comprehensive ban on sales, rapid action by the European Union, Huawei: Can't stand me and can't kill me

In recent years, countries around the world have been actively promoting the development and deployment of 5G technology,After Huawei began to lead the world in 5G technology in 2019, the US began to show unease. They realize that the constantly rising technological level of Chinese enterprises poses a threat to their technological hegemony...

Tiktok released new rules, and public welfare accounts are not allowed to conduct live rewards and e-commerce sales

Tiktok released new rules, and public welfare accounts are not allowed to conduct live rewards and e-commerce sales

[Global Network Science and Technology Comprehensive Report] On June 12, it was reported that recently, in response to some Tiktok accounts' attempts to create false scenes and implement false public welfare on the grounds of "helping farmers", Tiktok officially released the latest norms on the governance of Tiktok public welfare content. The new regulations require that account entities initiating charitable fundraising on the platform must hold relevant qualifications and be authenticated in accordance with regulations...

The phone sales ranking on the first day of 618 confused me

The phone sales ranking on the first day of 618 confused me

Entering June, various mobile phone manufacturers are fighting like the weather in Guangdong.It's nothing else, just because the annual 618 is here again...

Defeat Huawei and Honor to reach the top spot on the 618 sales chart, resulting in a direct reduction of 1500 yuan across the entire series

Defeat Huawei and Honor to reach the top spot on the 618 sales chart, resulting in a direct reduction of 1500 yuan across the entire series

Huawei and Honor are two strong domestic mobile phone brands, with a market share of over 50% in China. For every two phones sold, one is Huawei, and Honor once defeated Xiaomi in the online market...